Monday, August 27, 2012

I'm so happy I didn't listen too much to what "they said" and did and do what I want.

What they said:
They said I had a couple of months to live, several times in my lifetime the last one being several years ago. But I’m still here
They said there was no way I’d walk, that was when I was a toddler, but I have walked and ran and climbed and jumped and played and rode bikes and horses and on and on. Then they tried to say similar 5 years ago, still I move and move and move.
They said If I had kids I’d die, but that I probably couldn’t have kids anyway, but I have given birth to four; (three live births) and have three beautiful daughters and two amazing grandsons now.
They said I’d never speak right; HA! And My family and friends would say HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 
 They said no one could survive such injuries (at least 4 times in my life.) But I’m still here.
Five years ago they said that I’d never bend over or crawl or do yoga or martial arts or ride horses again to name a few, and yet those are things I enjoy as much as I can now.  AND I am able to! Like a beginner, but regardless, I AM DOING. 

They said, they said, they said….

They asked me; “how do you do it Jody”? I say I let spirit lead me. It is through prayer that leads me to that which I need: Reiki, EFT tapping, FRIENDS, FAMILY, LOVE, life coaches, healers of many walks of life and I listen, I try and fail and try and fail and try and fail and try and before I know it… I’m doing, success is a process of trying and continuing to show up even when I have no idea of what I’m doing, of what the outcome will be, I just show up and do as much as I can, even if it’s to observe, I show up.
They ask me; “why do you even try Jody”? I respond: “Because I can” 

When doctors tell you what you can and cannot do, remember that you get to participate in this choice.
You can take it lying down or you can “go out” enjoying as much possible.
Have you ever heard those questions: “what would you do with your life if you knew you only have a couple of months to live”? Most people answer with these great answers of all the fun things they’d do.
But the sad reality is that when people are told they have limited things they can do or limited time they can spend they end up spending it sad, worried and getting sicker and sicker.
My thoughts are if I’m going to die or be sick I might as well live as much as I possibly can while I can live.
If my body allows movement today then I’m moving. If it is only my mind that can move today, then I am visualizing myself dancing, doing Martial Arts, running, playing and enjoying life while I give thanks in celebration for all of the movement I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy.
I do advise to work with your medical specialist and with your body. Tune into what your body is saying.
If eating certain foods, doing certain activities means you will be very sick for several days and in bed, then do something else, or do it in moderation. If you must do the activity then do it in awareness of what the outcome MAY be.  AND do it in gratitude and celebration! 

My dear friend and mentor, Desiree Rudder, told me that I can send Reiki ahead of me on activities. So that is what I began doing. I have sent out visualizations, Reiki and gratitude ahead of myself. THIS has proven to be highly effective.  I see myself in celebration of the outcome I desire at the end of the activity. I see Reiki waiting for me every 3 to 10 steps of my walk. Or I see Reiki waiting for me in the field where I practice yoga or Martial Arts, or in the saddle of the horse I ride.
When I could only walk about 3 or four blocks but then be in bed most of that day as a result, or if I went over that amount, I would be bed for a couple of days in agony as a result I made the choice and took Desiree’s guidance. I put it to the test and ended up walking 10 blocks or so, came home rested 16 minutes, got up, did dishes for about 10 minutes, rested 8 minutes and then cooked for about 25 minutes and then sat on the sofa for a two hour movie without additional pain. In fact, my pain was bit lower than before my walk! 

Desiree Rudder LMT & Me; Jody G

I was told I couldn’t raise one leg at a time or have balance again. I started out lifting the heel of one foot for a few seconds while holding a fence. I’d alternate feet and do that each time I took the dogs out. Soon I was doing it without the fence. Then I began lifting my toes 1 inch off of the ground and doing that a few times a day. After about 3 months I could stand with one foot on my inner thigh in the tree pose (yoga). I could do it on both sides without touching the fence for support. After another couple of months, I could do this pose with no support nearby and do it with confidence.  Sometimes I can hold the pose for several minutes.
Healing is a process of baby steps. We don’t have to challenge our diagnosis with big leaps that could lead to intense trauma or that could greatly shorten our life span. Rather, we can take each day to embrace the possibility that wellness and a better quality of life awaits us and take those tiny baby steps to walk towards health and freedom. All the while enjoying the journey as that is what it’s all about anyway right. 

I snuck this pic during class while they were goofing around. Lol!

For me, I’d rather take baby steps towards goals that “they said” would be impossible than to sit around and make sure “they” were right.
I’d rather live my life taken steps towards the possibilities of; “what if they’re wrong”.
How about YOU? 

What if “they” are wrong?
What if you really do have a short time to live? What will you do with that time?
What if you have dozens of years to enjoy? What will you do with that time?
What if you truly have no way of knowing and what “they” say is a guess and only the Universe knows?
What if you can do some baby steps and discover that your pain has gone from a daily level of 8 to a daily level of 2 or less?
How will you live differently when you have lower pain or no pain at all?
How will you live differently when you have more years than you realized?
How will you live when you discover that you really can achieve and experience dreams that you have always wanted?
How will you feel? What will you do? How will you live?
You discover that the limits set before you by others and even by yourself are actually illusions that can be changed into realities that you dream of?
Worst case: you do your best…. Take baby steps, make healthy choices and really do the work and still things get worse… wouldn’t it be FAR better to know you did your best AND YOU lived trying? Wouldn’t you feel better about yourself if you did the work to be victorious regardless of the rewards than to lie around and be a victim of no or little action?
There are so many things you can do and many things you can overcome and many tools to assist you along your journey.
There are coaches and healers that are skilled, trained and talented in these very areas. You are NOT alone in this journey. Reach out and take that first baby step.
I believe in you. I SEE your higher self. I hold that space for you in loving light.
Are you ready? 


They said I'd spend most of my life sitting or laying and with very low activity levels. 

Here's just some of what I do instead:
Most all of this is done with EASE and very little consequence. MOST of the consequences actually are lower pain and higher energy...  

Walk up to 2 miles every now and then
Ride horses up to half an hour at this time
Participate in Martial Arts once a week for two hours
Walk my dogs every day for 5 -15 minutes
Walk sometimes for up to 4 hours doing photography (stop and go with some sitting).
Attend tons of events: concerts, Pow Wows, shows, classes, work shops, church, Temple (Buddhist), ETC (1 to 6 hours long).
Play with my grandchildren on the playground or in the house.
I WORK a full time job! This is a real shocker to "THEM", Hahahaha! I get to laugh in joy with this! 
I  do healing work with dogs, horses and with my fellow human (up to 4 hours in a day)
I teach classes up to 6 hours long
I do coaching with others up to 4 sessions in a day. 

THIS is some of what I DO that "THEY" said I could never do. 

I have discovered things that work for me by trying and by showing up. LIFE IS GOOD!!! 

Here's what to do when "they" say what your limits are: