Wednesday, November 10, 2010

EFT Tapping benefits, NDE, Reiki etc...

I have been doing EFT Tapping now for a couple of weeks with extraordinary results!!!

I went to this workshop to learn how to do EFT Tapping to work on my own healing but also to assist others. I am a Life Coach, Reiki Master and I learn as much as I can on healing for my own journey and to assist others in theirs.

The car crash I was in 3 years ago was extensive. I shattered many of my bones, punctured most of my organs and at the time of my crash was the only surviving persons with such bone injuries or to survive the amount of blood loss I had. I spend a couple of weeks in a coma and several months in the hospital. When I asked if I'd walk again they'd give me answers like "Ya we're pretty sure you'll walk again but that has not been our focus. We're still trying to see if you'll live". I heard that sort of thing for over a year. When I asked what my injuries were they'd tell me they could only address the worse of it but there were so many they couldn't address them all.. Hmmm so that means what to me?

I was t-boned by a Ford F-150 on my drivers door and squished between my drivers door and my center console. Although the impact was on my left, my right femur was shattered more severely than my left. I wore external fixators on my right leg, my pelvic craddle and my arm (I think). The leg fixator was only on a couple of months, the pelvice craddle one was on several months and the thing on my arm a month maybe.

I was born with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and so the healing journey for me began from the beginning of my life. I'm so grateful for what I knew at the time of my crash because I strongly feel the techniques I used to help myself is why I am here today. Of course the doctors and my family did A LOT too! :-)

I spent a year like guinea pig in a lab with doctors from all over the world coming to learn from my injuries and survival.

I learned Reiki before the accident, visualization, the benefits/power of gratitude and put all that together to bring me through. And yes, I am a miracle in many ways. at least 5 NDE's (near death experiences) at the time of the crash and over the next year has baffled medical people alone plus a lot of other things too. I was once told by a nurse that as many times as they started the paper work on me to pronounce me dead I was killing trees. She was just joking and I loved her humor.

Nurses and doctors also accused me of giving their education a run for it's money. I LOVE the humor of the medical personnel, my family and my friends because HUMOR is one of the biggest healing tools I've experienced, that and gratitude I'd have to say.

Each day I live in gratitude at the extent and speed of my healing.

I was told I would be dependant on pain medications (narcotics) for the rest of my life. I was told that since I was the only surviving case in the country and possibly the world (as documented) that doctors put me on the highest doses of medications legally allowed because they had no idea of how to help me. The high doses I was on was the same doses as patients on their last few months of life that have cancer, AIDS etc... However, I detoxed myself of the meds after just 8 months. I did it wrong and caused myself to have a heart attack so I highly recommend you detox under the care of a doctor.

So, learning EFT has been incredible for me because although I do take Aleeve, or Advil and I do still take vicoden (1 pill about every 3 months or less) when the pain brings me to almost puking.

I would NEED something (advil) for pain about 3 or 4 days a week. The pain in my pelvic cradle made it so I could only walk about a block at a time. In the grocery store I could shop for an hour but then not walk (be in bed) for the next 1 to 3 days in sever pain. I used meditation, Reiki and gratitude to lower my pain yet I still was so limited. Besides, in that level of pain I'd simply forget to do my own healing work cause I would get into survival mode.

In this last couple of weeks doing EFT Tapping about once a day or less, I have walked around 5 blocks! I went grocery shopping for over and hour, came home, put the food away and then went and had coffee and then walked all the way around two city blocks!!! And the level of pain I had after that was slightly more than the daily average. I have taken Aleeve 2 times and Advil 1 time in this last couple of weeks and one time was out of habit, not necessity.

I'm not saying EFT is a miracle worker for everyone, but I am saying that it is making miraculous changes for me.

I'm excited as I learn to offer this to others!!! I'm starting classes and groups in my community starting the end of November because according to what I'm learning, the healing is even stronger in groups.

I had an NST adjustment by a doctor in Portland over the summer and that too was amazing!!! So as I am able I will go to school to learn that as well. But after doing this EFT Tapping I'm in no hurry as this is off the charts!

I will keep writing about my healing journey and my experience with EFT and other healing arts as I go along my journey.
This is the link to the Doctor's website that trained me. Happy learning and happy healing... and this is the link to my website.
I don't advertise the Reiki, EFT or other healing arts on there at this moment but am still working with clients by referral or by request.

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