Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Exploring cooking with Mama's Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce. What a delicious journey!


My journey cooking with Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce, celebrating the delicious flavors of life and "Oceans and Oceans of Kindness".
I can taste the flavors of life and feel the blessings of loving kindness as I cook and as I consume this incredible sauce. This is one of those foods that has beautiful living energy.

I’d like to share with you some of my discoveries along my joyful journey using Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce. This fantastic sauce has opened up an entirely new world of cooking for me so I am delighted to share with you some simple ways to use Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce to make food interesting again.

Most of these are simple variations of things you may already eat and I’m mostly just adding Mama’s Fire Tibetan hot sauce to diversify and to take basics or even boring foods and turn them into gourmet tasting dishes.  This has been a fun and a very delicious journey of exploration. Enjoy…

I borrowed pictures of Mama's Fire products from their website:

FYI: This is my first time writing out recipes of any sorts and these were tested before I wrote them out and not after so proceed with loving kindness. J

Hints & tips: I purchase Mama’s Fire Tibetan hot sauce at Life Source in Salem Oregon: However you can also purchase Mama’s Fire Tibetan hot sauce directly online at their website:  they also have an amazing BBQ sauce too! While you are on Mama’s Fire’s website check out their “recipe” tab for more great recipes!

I’m willing to try Mama’s Fire on almost anything because so far it’s been incredible on everything I have tried to date.

At Life Source and other natural food stores you can find healthy alternatives for the ingredients used below.  Please chose local, organic, happy foods as much as you possibly can, it’s good for your body, your soul and for our planet.

Vary the amounts of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce per your taste. I preferred a bit more of a kick so you may need to test out these amounts to suit your personal preference.

 Mama’s spicy peanut butter with bacon sandwich  


Two slices of bread (I really like "Dave's Killer Bread") 

4 slices of thick cut bacon

Peanut butter

1teaspoon or more of Mama’s Fire Tibetan hot sauce

Items needed:

Bacon cooking tray or skillet or cookie sheet

Butter knife

Plate or paper towel


Cook the bacon to your liking: In the microwave, on the stove or in the oven. Please follow the cooking instructions on the bacon package.

Note: Fried provolone can be used as a bacon alternative. Check out this link:

Toast your bread if you want it toasted

Place your bread or toast on a plate or paper towel

Spread peanut butter on each slice of toast

Spread the teaspoon of Mama’s Fire hot sauce on one slice

Lay the bacon across the long way of that one slice of bread so that the bacon is covering the entire slice of bread or toast

Lay the other slice of bread/toast on top, cut in half and enjoy.

Cup of noodles or Raman noodles:

Prepare as you normally would

Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce

Another variation: add 1 or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter at the end of preparing along with Mama’s Fire and enjoy a Thai tasting dish.

Adding peanut butter at the end gives a cream texture. If you add while heating or cooking the peanut butter often takes on a slimy texture and may not be as pleasurable.


Cook the noodles make sure you have used the season package at some point

Remove the noodles and place them in a bowl

With the remaining broth add 1 or 2 tablespoons of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce

Add 1 cup of frozen spinach or vegetable of your choice heat until hot (or done) and scoop them out and add the veggies on top of the noodles

Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, mix until well blended and then poor over your noodles and vegetables.

Curry soups:

Prepare your favorite curry soup and add 1 or two tablespoons of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce to each 1.5 cups or 2 cups of soup for a fantastic dance of flavors in your mouth. So yummy!

Progresso soups and other canned soups:

Add about 1 tablespoon or more per cup of soup.  Take the ordinary and turn it into extraordinary! Progresso makes great soups and Mama’s fire makes them rock this world! Just saying, J

Curry and or coconut dishes:

Add Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce to various curry and or coconut recipes. Add to soups, sauces, lentils, rice dishes and much more.


Before baking, brush a thin or thick layer of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce over the chicken for a delicious Tibetan kick.

Spinach side dish or topper:

Items needed:

Small to medium sauce pan with a lid

Table spoon

Mixing spoon


2 cups fresh spinach (in a bag is easiest)

3 tablespoons of water (less water may be fine)

2 tablespoons of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce

Pinch or so of sea salt

Pinch of black pepper

1/8 teaspoon of onion powder


Rinse the spinach and drain the water off (or use a salad spinner)

Chop the spinach or leave whole (it simmers down a bit better when it’s chopped up at least a bit)

Heat the water and Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce to a nice simmer or slow boil

Add the onion powder, sea salt and the black pepper to the liquid and mix in

Add the spinach to the hot liquid mix, top with lid and let it wilt down

Completely mix spinach with liquid, remove from heat, let set about 4 minutes but stir it each minute to make sure flavors completely mix in.  

Serve hot on the side or over a nice juicy peppered stake

You can also add a sprinkle sesame seeds or crushed pine nuts or walnuts on top for added flavor, texture and visual appeal.

Addition pointers:

Try making your favorite homemade soups, lentil dishes, and quinoa dishes with a bit of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce to give it a whole new flavor and or a nice kick.

When preparing lentil dishes from scratch here is a great website worth taking a look at:

Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce is wonderful in many dishes from around the world such as Indian, Thai, Tibetan, African dishes and stir fry’s.

Another discovery I have made is that in healthy dishes when I add Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce I find it far more interesting and am drawn towards eating the healthier foods since I have started using Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce than I once was before.  

Try adding it your salad dressings too!

While some of these recipes may be healthy or a healthier choice than other meals, some may be high in cholesterol, calories, sugar or total carbohydrates. Please check each ingredient you are using and be sure it matches your dietary needs.



Foot notes:
While I really want to share in my delight of Mama's Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce,
I realized that I also love Dave's Killer Bread for sandwiches so of course,
I had to put that plug in too.
All good stuff!

More foot notes:
The other key thing for me here is choosing to use products or patronize businesses with heart! These products and companies mentioned here all have heart. They all give back to, contribute to and connect with their communities in many ways.
They chose products or ingredients that are quality good for you kind of good stuff.

And more foot notes:
I was not hired to write this by any company. And I haven't asked their permission.
 I enjoy these products and want to share my experience with you.
This is my exclusive experience (my families experience too!) and I hope it will be yours as well.
In fact, I'm confident you will enjoy these products as well that that was why I wanted to share.
All of these products are just far too good to keep a secret.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

If you were strapped to a bed, unable to move or talk what would matter to you the most? How would your life, beliefs, values change?

Don't make death be the space that you discovered love and acceptance 
existed in abundance all along.

Live love and acceptance now.

I remind myself often of what it was like for months after my car crash and I ask myself to re-assess my values and my actions. When I get caught in the drama of life or feel targeted by the lies or distractions of my ego or that of others I come back to the “nothingness”, to the core, to that space where body, life’s tasks and activities cannot distract from what is my truth, and what matters most to me.
Chew on this:
When everything is taken away from you including control of your body, when you lay there in a hospital bed unable to talk or move and on the edge of death while your loved ones look at you with expressions of desperation, all of lives drama becomes irrelevant. All material things become liquid and you don't care if it all flows away because all that matters are issues of the heart. Knowing that you are loved, longing to be sure others know they are loved and how very much they matter. It isn't the mistakes of your children, family or friends you have in mind, it's all of the laughter, hugs, smiles and memories of playing hide and seek and water fights and the kids coming home with tales of their day and their "aha" moments as they grow into wisdom. It's the memories of friends that stood by you even when you were wrong and laughed with you when you figured it out. It's matters of the heart that mean the most. No matter what you think, you are loved. No matter how many mistakes you make or how big they are, you are good enough and worthy of joy. No matter how many times you fall, it's that you keep getting up and trying again that matters. Don't let your ego or the egos of others trick you, you have value beyond measure and you have purpose.
Food for thought:
Ø What matters to you?
Ø What is your “why” for doing anything you do?
Ø Why do you want to succeed at any aspect of your life?
Ø What value does having a job, a business, money or benefits bring to your life?
Ø What value do your relationships bring to your life?
Ø What value does your spiritual beliefs and or practices bring to your life?
Ø What value do your beliefs bring to your life?
Ø What Value does your education (formal or self-taught) bring to you?
Ø What value does your community bring to you?
Ø What value do you bring to others?
Ø What value do you bring to your community?
Ø What value do you bring to your relationships?
Ø What are you doing with your time? Investing it? Or spending it?
Ø When you are involved in something; watching TV, reading a book, working, watching sports, playing sports, playing video games, arts and crafts, playing music… whatever it is you are doing, if someone you love comes to ask a question how do you treat them?
Ø Are you investing more in what you are doing than in who you are being?
Ø Are you investing more in what you are doing than in what you state is important to you?
Ø Are you actions and behaviors matching your beliefs, purpose and goals?
Ø Are you spending time being busy so you can avoid being productive?
Ø Are you spending time doing so you can avoid being?
Ø Are you actively loving who matters to you?
Ø Are you actively loving you?
Ø Love is a verb, an action word, have you done acts of love for yourself and others lately?
I have learned that regardless of a person’s ability or willingness to see, feel or know that they are loved and valued, they are anyway.
Once I was in a space of my mind with nothing else I could do I had to face truth. The truth is that there is a higher power, a Great Spirit that loves me and accepts me and all people. There are many people that love and accept me. There are people I love and love deeper than I could ever express. There are people that I accept regardless of anything and that accept me the same. All people are loved, lovable and deserving of love and acceptance exactly as they are. And there are no exceptions to truth.
I spend the majority of my life afraid, angry, hurt and trying desperately to control every aspect of life I could. Once there was nothing I could do. I was there to face myself and to step into my beingness. Raw, vulnerable, afraid, I stepped into the void. I was forced to let go of the doingness of life and discover the beauty of the beingness of life. I lost the illusion of control and gained the beauty of surrender.
It is in the mystery, in the surrender that the abundance of life’s blessings can be seen, felt and experienced. It is there that appreciation is song that plays while you dance the dance of life’s celebration. It is there that the authentic self exists and emerges from. It is there that purpose can be revealed.  It is there that the voice of the Great Spirit can be heard.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My journey dealing with the “evils” of others. Meeting demons with loving kindness

Lessons in action one baby step at a time…

I was first introduced to this idea by my dear friend and mentor Desiree Rudder LMT and DJ at KMUZ of Soul talk in Salem Oregon. She also introduced me to Jesse the amazing and beautiful Guru I mention here. I am not sure who I have spoken to the most on this topic but the conversation entered my soul by the gentle guidance of Miss Desiree. And the dialogue continues from time to time with Desiree. I am so very grateful for my friend and her willingness to pass on to me what she learns from her Guru’s and all of her learning resources. It is because of the willingness of others to share that I am doing as well as I am and that I desire greatly to share as well.
I have been learning from my Buddhist Guru to meet “demons” with loving kindness. First of all, I put the words “demons” and “evil” into quotation marks because there are so many interpretations of those words and I am mostly quoting the Buddhist terms, however loosely.
My Guru says that instead of fighting against “demons” If I fill my heart with loving kindness the battle will fade. At first I was angered. I had the “eye for an eye” or the “I need to fight and protect myself” mentality. Yet he wanted me to learn that the strongest weapon is non-fighting. When the “demons” have no victim, they have no purpose and no power. He said they would then become my servant. At first I thought; “Ah, slavery is bad!” But what I think he meant was that the demon would then find his way behind me, this would then put me in the lead.
I’m not an educated Buddhist Guru by any means but this is how I took the lesson of meeting “demons” with loving kindness and used it in my life. I mixed the lesson of meeting every challenge, demon and attack with loving kindness with the prayer of Ho'oponopono along with my own personal touches that resonated with my life.
Meditative Visualization...

First take a few deep breaths and let them out. Allow your eyes to close and your body to go into a deep relaxation. Surround yourself in protective light. Focus on your breathing.
After a few minutes of deep relaxation you can create your own visualization similar or exactly as this one I do. Do what works for you.
I start out finding a memory of something that fills my heart with love and joy. For me it is imagining my grandson’s when they see me as they yell out “Grandma!” and come running for a hug. This fills my heart and soul and I take that intense loving feeling with me into this meditation.
I visualize the person or people one at a time sitting in lotus as I too am in lotus. I see them with eyes closed, our spirits rise above our bodies, we are floating way up in the stars as pure spirit essence, far from the human condition of our lives and we are one with source.

We have our eyes open in spirit world, both seeing each other in a state of peace with our hearts full of loving source.
In this space I say the Ho'oponopono prayer:  "I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you and I thank you", I also say; “I forgive you, I forgive myself. I know in true spirit essence that you only want good to come to me. I know too that, that is what I want for you.” I then say… “dear spirit, please send your angels to guide and to heal your human form with loving kindness, please assure your human self that I am not against you, I am sending you love and I truly want what is good for all of us. I truly want for each of us to add to the value of each of our lives and I want us all to be valued, appreciated and accepted exactly as we are. Please spirit send this healing intention to your human self.” And I repeat the prayer, "I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you and I thank you",
I visualize this person has joyfully and loving received my words and that all is well. I feel deep within me a knowing that source is providing all that which is to be in perfect and divine order and I feel confident.
Then our spirits return to our bodies.
Afterwards, I celebrate in gratitude that all is as I have asked. I say thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the peace, joy, love and ease in my life. I feel as if I have won the lottery and celebrate with enthusiasm. And I end this walking away… letting it go… in faith that all is well.  
Anytime I have an issue or a feeling triggered, I simply go back and repeat the visualization. Besides, it feels so good to do. This is a great way to raise your vibrational level and in a higher vibration, better things can find you there.
Here is a link to this prayer and an audio