Tuesday, February 7, 2012

If you were strapped to a bed, unable to move or talk what would matter to you the most? How would your life, beliefs, values change?

Don't make death be the space that you discovered love and acceptance 
existed in abundance all along.

Live love and acceptance now.

I remind myself often of what it was like for months after my car crash and I ask myself to re-assess my values and my actions. When I get caught in the drama of life or feel targeted by the lies or distractions of my ego or that of others I come back to the “nothingness”, to the core, to that space where body, life’s tasks and activities cannot distract from what is my truth, and what matters most to me.
Chew on this:
When everything is taken away from you including control of your body, when you lay there in a hospital bed unable to talk or move and on the edge of death while your loved ones look at you with expressions of desperation, all of lives drama becomes irrelevant. All material things become liquid and you don't care if it all flows away because all that matters are issues of the heart. Knowing that you are loved, longing to be sure others know they are loved and how very much they matter. It isn't the mistakes of your children, family or friends you have in mind, it's all of the laughter, hugs, smiles and memories of playing hide and seek and water fights and the kids coming home with tales of their day and their "aha" moments as they grow into wisdom. It's the memories of friends that stood by you even when you were wrong and laughed with you when you figured it out. It's matters of the heart that mean the most. No matter what you think, you are loved. No matter how many mistakes you make or how big they are, you are good enough and worthy of joy. No matter how many times you fall, it's that you keep getting up and trying again that matters. Don't let your ego or the egos of others trick you, you have value beyond measure and you have purpose.
Food for thought:
Ø What matters to you?
Ø What is your “why” for doing anything you do?
Ø Why do you want to succeed at any aspect of your life?
Ø What value does having a job, a business, money or benefits bring to your life?
Ø What value do your relationships bring to your life?
Ø What value does your spiritual beliefs and or practices bring to your life?
Ø What value do your beliefs bring to your life?
Ø What Value does your education (formal or self-taught) bring to you?
Ø What value does your community bring to you?
Ø What value do you bring to others?
Ø What value do you bring to your community?
Ø What value do you bring to your relationships?
Ø What are you doing with your time? Investing it? Or spending it?
Ø When you are involved in something; watching TV, reading a book, working, watching sports, playing sports, playing video games, arts and crafts, playing music… whatever it is you are doing, if someone you love comes to ask a question how do you treat them?
Ø Are you investing more in what you are doing than in who you are being?
Ø Are you investing more in what you are doing than in what you state is important to you?
Ø Are you actions and behaviors matching your beliefs, purpose and goals?
Ø Are you spending time being busy so you can avoid being productive?
Ø Are you spending time doing so you can avoid being?
Ø Are you actively loving who matters to you?
Ø Are you actively loving you?
Ø Love is a verb, an action word, have you done acts of love for yourself and others lately?
I have learned that regardless of a person’s ability or willingness to see, feel or know that they are loved and valued, they are anyway.
Once I was in a space of my mind with nothing else I could do I had to face truth. The truth is that there is a higher power, a Great Spirit that loves me and accepts me and all people. There are many people that love and accept me. There are people I love and love deeper than I could ever express. There are people that I accept regardless of anything and that accept me the same. All people are loved, lovable and deserving of love and acceptance exactly as they are. And there are no exceptions to truth.
I spend the majority of my life afraid, angry, hurt and trying desperately to control every aspect of life I could. Once there was nothing I could do. I was there to face myself and to step into my beingness. Raw, vulnerable, afraid, I stepped into the void. I was forced to let go of the doingness of life and discover the beauty of the beingness of life. I lost the illusion of control and gained the beauty of surrender.
It is in the mystery, in the surrender that the abundance of life’s blessings can be seen, felt and experienced. It is there that appreciation is song that plays while you dance the dance of life’s celebration. It is there that the authentic self exists and emerges from. It is there that purpose can be revealed.  It is there that the voice of the Great Spirit can be heard.

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