Monday, February 7, 2011

Healers Prosperity Group: Healers Networking and Support Group in Salem Oregon! Coming Soon!

Dear ones, hello and good day.
I will be starting a group in my home, host homes and then soon will expand to a bigger location. This group will be a group for healers (both professional and non professional) to gather. In this group we will talk about things that work for us in our practices and in our daily lives. We will share information and as a networking group you may find people to trade modalities with or teachings with.
There will be a topic of discussion each meeting and then open discussion on many topics as well. I will be announcing the date in the next few days. I am located in SE Salem OR. Please give me feedback on what will work for you. I am interested in doing one 2 or 3 hour meeting once a month probably on a weekend.
We will provide Tea and water and each person is welcome to bring food, snacks, drinks and enjoy a pot luck from time to time.
We will be including a topic of discussion, guest speakers, information and open discussion. This group is a place to explore new modalities of healing, hints and tips on better business practices, how to: self care for the healer, and more.
Please check out this web site for more information and stay tuned for the announcement of time and location to be announced.
I look forward to connect with each of you and learning from you.
The intentions of this group is to provide a safe, open space to talk, explore, learn and grow. We will value each person and what they bring. We will be positive solution focused and honor each person. We will have limited time and so each person will be mindful of the time.
We will do our best to stay on topic and create a list of topics and work together to create a group that fits the needs of the group. We will be expanding and growing and so we remain open and flexible.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids | Video on

Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids Video on

This very young lady shows us that all things are possible! She has broken the myth of the level we put children at and has surpassed the idea many have of the limits of children.

This is a great video to show you that your focus on limits is being passed up by a childs focus on opportunites.

Yes, we have much to learn from children.
Thank you Adora!

Richard St. John: "Success is a continuous journey" | Video on

Richard St. John: "Success is a continuous journey" Video on

This is a great short video!!!