Sunday, February 5, 2012

My journey dealing with the “evils” of others. Meeting demons with loving kindness

Lessons in action one baby step at a time…

I was first introduced to this idea by my dear friend and mentor Desiree Rudder LMT and DJ at KMUZ of Soul talk in Salem Oregon. She also introduced me to Jesse the amazing and beautiful Guru I mention here. I am not sure who I have spoken to the most on this topic but the conversation entered my soul by the gentle guidance of Miss Desiree. And the dialogue continues from time to time with Desiree. I am so very grateful for my friend and her willingness to pass on to me what she learns from her Guru’s and all of her learning resources. It is because of the willingness of others to share that I am doing as well as I am and that I desire greatly to share as well.
I have been learning from my Buddhist Guru to meet “demons” with loving kindness. First of all, I put the words “demons” and “evil” into quotation marks because there are so many interpretations of those words and I am mostly quoting the Buddhist terms, however loosely.
My Guru says that instead of fighting against “demons” If I fill my heart with loving kindness the battle will fade. At first I was angered. I had the “eye for an eye” or the “I need to fight and protect myself” mentality. Yet he wanted me to learn that the strongest weapon is non-fighting. When the “demons” have no victim, they have no purpose and no power. He said they would then become my servant. At first I thought; “Ah, slavery is bad!” But what I think he meant was that the demon would then find his way behind me, this would then put me in the lead.
I’m not an educated Buddhist Guru by any means but this is how I took the lesson of meeting “demons” with loving kindness and used it in my life. I mixed the lesson of meeting every challenge, demon and attack with loving kindness with the prayer of Ho'oponopono along with my own personal touches that resonated with my life.
Meditative Visualization...

First take a few deep breaths and let them out. Allow your eyes to close and your body to go into a deep relaxation. Surround yourself in protective light. Focus on your breathing.
After a few minutes of deep relaxation you can create your own visualization similar or exactly as this one I do. Do what works for you.
I start out finding a memory of something that fills my heart with love and joy. For me it is imagining my grandson’s when they see me as they yell out “Grandma!” and come running for a hug. This fills my heart and soul and I take that intense loving feeling with me into this meditation.
I visualize the person or people one at a time sitting in lotus as I too am in lotus. I see them with eyes closed, our spirits rise above our bodies, we are floating way up in the stars as pure spirit essence, far from the human condition of our lives and we are one with source.

We have our eyes open in spirit world, both seeing each other in a state of peace with our hearts full of loving source.
In this space I say the Ho'oponopono prayer:  "I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you and I thank you", I also say; “I forgive you, I forgive myself. I know in true spirit essence that you only want good to come to me. I know too that, that is what I want for you.” I then say… “dear spirit, please send your angels to guide and to heal your human form with loving kindness, please assure your human self that I am not against you, I am sending you love and I truly want what is good for all of us. I truly want for each of us to add to the value of each of our lives and I want us all to be valued, appreciated and accepted exactly as we are. Please spirit send this healing intention to your human self.” And I repeat the prayer, "I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you and I thank you",
I visualize this person has joyfully and loving received my words and that all is well. I feel deep within me a knowing that source is providing all that which is to be in perfect and divine order and I feel confident.
Then our spirits return to our bodies.
Afterwards, I celebrate in gratitude that all is as I have asked. I say thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the peace, joy, love and ease in my life. I feel as if I have won the lottery and celebrate with enthusiasm. And I end this walking away… letting it go… in faith that all is well.  
Anytime I have an issue or a feeling triggered, I simply go back and repeat the visualization. Besides, it feels so good to do. This is a great way to raise your vibrational level and in a higher vibration, better things can find you there.
Here is a link to this prayer and an audio

I have learned to borrow feelings from something else and use that to create from. While there are some “evil” people in my life as well that seem to find pleasure of some sorts in working toward causing suffering, I think of those that have caused me great joy and that have said and done beautiful things to and for me and I call on that in my memory to bring myself out of pain and into joy.
Before and or after I do this meditation, and or in place of it I will call on times people said and did things that made me feel loved and accepted and safe and I celebrate in gratitude all of the times in my life that I have felt and experience love, acceptance and safety. I know that what I focus on will expand, I know that what I give more energy too receives more power from me. I decide to fuel the fires I want to burn strongly and to take the oxygen away from the fires that I want to become small or to go away.
In my current life, there are few “evil” people that would love to see me bend or break. Yet no matter how hard they push, I use the aikido way and I move to the side and lovingly allow their own energy to guide them along their way. And I wish them no harm.
I am learning to be mindful daily to be the person I want to attract to me. And I am learning that when I allow others to distract me from my goals, to say, I am sorry, I love you, forgive me, and thank you. And I do the work to return myself to center. Sometimes I am returning to center several times each minute or two, but it doesn’t matter as long as I keep returning.
Ask yourself; what is most important to you? If it is loving your children then, love your children. If it is laughter in your life, then laugh. Find ways to express and experience what it is you want regardless of outside forces and outside forces will give you more of those moments.
It isn’t about the evils of others, it is about the goodness of you.

Foot notes:
I did not quote the Guru I mentioned verbatim, rather summarized to the best of my interpretation.
“Evil” is a term I am using because others use it and because at times it truly does seem that evil is working through others and or effecting our lives.
I strongly believe that evil for the most part is when ego’s compete. I feel the more our egos fight each other the more evil can enter the fight.  However, when you step into spirit, connectedness to loving source then ego and/or evil has no power. It is like the puppet master cutting the strings.
My friend Lynn asked me once; “What’s the sound of one person fighting?”
When we step back and allow the negative energy of others just pass us by the sound is silence.

In closing, I truly believe that most battles are illusory, and/or self created that we are creators of most all of our life experiences, at least; we are co-pilots with the Great Spirit in the creation of our lives. And that in spirit; "No One & Nothing Is Against You" (that's from a book/class), and while much might be our creation, until we really learn to actively create 24/7 much is not our fault.

There is always more you can do to feel good right now. (such as acts of service and acts of self-love)
There is always more to be grateful for than we realize.

And while most absolutes are wrong most of the time, some, are true all of the time. :)

One absolute truth is... YOU MATTER
I recommend:  
As the “evils” of the world try to inundate you with negativity match that or up that and inundate yourself with beauty, positivity, loving people and experiences.
Learning traditional martial arts from an old style martial arts master, especially if you are more of a kinesthetic (hands on) type of learner.  Or even just reading martial arts theories if the physical practice is not for you to do.
Meditation, yoga, ti chi, prayer/chanting and finding ways of feeling good as much and as soon as possible to shift your focus and to change your vibrational level.
 Music, dance or other activities that  brings you into your body and out of your emotional mind.
Prayers of protection and especially prayers (aka: affirmative celebrations) of gratitude.
Grounding, centering and shifting your perception
Reading books by: Eckhart Tolle, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Louise Hay, Greg Braden, Shakti Gawain, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer,
Reading books on: Buddhism, visualization, quantum physics, metaphysics, personal development,
Also: Watch videos on the Internet on these subjects, by these authors, etc… there is so much out there.

This is some of the inner journey work I do often (usually daily). This is what I have learned to be effective for me and has brought me along from high internal chaos (fear, rage, pain, etc) to very low internal chaos and high internal peace, love and acceptance. There are many other things I do as I am a creative eclectic person, but take life one action at at time, one task at a time, one lesson at a time and meet yourself with loving kindness always.

If you "fall" (what ever that looks like or means to you), remind yourself what it is you do to return to center, get back up as soon as possible and walk again, one baby step at a time...

Baby steps are wonderful because you can take in more of the scenery along the way.

Enjoy the process.

I return to center by asking myself questions such as:

What are my goals? A: To have peace and joy in my life, to create safe, sacred and loving space for all. To see the God/Goddess essence in everyone and meet them as such.
Are the actions I am taking or about to take on purpose?
What if I were about to talk to God/Goddess about this issue, am I bringing my higher self to this conversation?
If I find I am having a hard time, I imagine I am talking to someone I trust and admire... Or I actually call them and reach out for assistance.
This is pulling myself back up, placing myself back on purpose and returning to center.


1 comment:

  1. Well said, my friend...blessings to you on your journey. I look forward to hearing more! Bless! Desiree'
