Thursday, March 31, 2011

Failures are lifes lessons toward success

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. By : Dale Carnegie Sent using AppFlute Motivational Quotes Android App.

I love this quote.

When I failed at my first business my success coaches Jeffery Combs and James Ross Quinn said I should write a book. They said there all kinds of books on success but it is the failures that hold the true lessons. Hhhmmm I may just write that book yet, until then, I will blog. Oh the joy...

Each time u feel that u have failed at something or that the challenges are too big just remember that you are in training to gain knowledge, strength and wisdom that you will need in the future for that which you are truly meant to do.

Failure is a stepping stone in disguise.

Find something in it all that you can appreciate and focus on that.

"I was in a near fatal car accident, lost most of my material possesions after a year in the hospitol and another year healing enough to walk again. But I am so grateful that I discovered the wealth of family and friends I have. I am so grateful that I discovered the wealth of strength, endurance and will I have. I am grateful that I have learned patience, acceptance of myself under all circumstances and the power of the Great Spirit in my lite. I am so very prosperous beyond material wealth"

I love the lessons in life.

I choose to embrace the lessons in life, live in appreciation and enjoy all that there is to enjoy.

As u step into the decision to make such choices you will receive and recognize the holistic prosperity you desire.

Enjoy this moment