Sunday, June 30, 2013

Morris Goodman - The Miracle Man: How his story fueled my own survival

This clip from the movie The Secret played over and over in my mind when I was in the hospital with several crushed bones (primarily my entire pelvic cradle, femurs, ribs, ETC), with punctured lungs and with internal bleeding and so on... 
I could hear this line the most:
"You see, I couldn't afford to allow anything to come into my mind to distract me from my goals and my vision" The Miracle Man (Morris Goodman)
Now I am living a miracle as well and I still keep this phrase in my mind.
Sure, my bones were never put back together correctly as there were no doctors world wide that had the knowledge to work with such damages... I still have 6 large bolts in my pelvic cradle, and I'm missing a sits bone on my left side. 
I cannot... will not afford to allow anything to come into my mind to distract me from my visions. 

I've been a victim in my life and a survivor.. but I have always been enough of a warrior to get me through some VERY heavy shit... 
NOW it's time to step fully into my warrior state of being... it's time to move beyond survival and into constant state of victory. 
I do my best to invest my time, actions, & thoughts on positive, up lifting and educational sources. 
I was inundated most of my life with violence, bullies, abuse, accidents, illnesses and poverty. BUT I choose now to inundate myself with beauty, joy, inspirational sources, studying prosperity mindset, studying success (holistic) and just having fun. :) 

Take inventory of your time, energy and resources.... are you investing in your goals, dreams, values, visions, etc.? 
I'm FAR from perfect... but perfectly & fully on my journey, lol. 

People ask me often how I have come through so much and I'm still happy and working towards goals. 
Truly... I have studied personal development books and attended seminars etc for over 30 years. I've studied spiritual teachings from a diverse range of religions and beliefs for nearly 40 years. I have studied 1000's of hours in these areas. 
But it all comes down to the fact that no matter what happens in my life... I keep seeking to understand, embrace and see beauty and solutions. 

You don't need decades of study.... All you need is to step into a decision of personal investment of your time, energy and resources and each time you forget or get off track... just start again. :) 

This is a journey... a process.... a learning experience. We all live a serious of decisions daily... are yours optimistic, solution focused, love based, compassionate, etc? if not, shift your intentions... set your goals and step back into action... one choice at a time. 

As Jeffery Combs says "stop being a hard aholic and start being an easeologist" :)