Saturday, January 17, 2015

Discover How to Use EFT Tapping, a Combination of Ancient Chinese Acupressure and Modern Psychology, to Improve Your Health, Wealth, Relationships, Level of Happiness, and Much More…

Discover How to Use EFT Tapping, a Combination of Ancient Chinese Acupressure and Modern Psychology, to Improve Your Health, Wealth, Relationships, Level of Happiness, and Much More…

I'll be posting a lot of blogs and referring to  EFT tapping often.  This is such a great resource. I highly recommend checking it out.

EFT tapping has been one of the most effective resources in my life and in my coaching practice.

Please let me know if you have any questions or other great resourcesto share.

Happy learning my friends.

Rev. Jody G.

Friday, January 16, 2015

New Study Links Social Anxiety To Being An Empath

New Study Links Social Anxiety To Being An Empath

For many of us empaths we have kind of figured this out.

I  use sorting, hugging trees,  visiting the beach (nature contact ), EFT tapping,  shielding,  cord cutting,  chanting,  sea salt, and other resources to  sort what's my stuff and what is not, to release, cleanse and to protect myself.  I rarely get anxiety for the past several years but it took a lifetime of learning before I felt inner peace most of the time.

Healthy eating,  fitness,  meditation and activities such as :

Martial arts


Ti chi

Qi gong


Petting animals

Can create wonderful shifts in energy.

What do you do to feel better and or to prevent anxiety all together?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Body by Vi Challenge / a link to my body challenge blog and more

The Body by Vi Challenge

Hi friends.

I'm really excited about this part in my journey. I have run into some health challenges and some mental / emotional blocks along the way to healthy living.
Join me as I learn and improve.

If you would also like to start your challenge here is another link that you can go to to learn more.

Happy healing!

Jody G

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Body by Vi Challenge

The Body by Vi Challenge

This is in perfect alignment with my lifestyle changes.
I have been working holistically to improve my mind body and and spiritual life as well as my health and wealth mindset.

We talk so much about holistic healing and progress... well health (fitness and nutrition) and wealth are all parts of the whole. I'm finally increasing balance.

I do not believe in diets, but I do believe in a hand up and quality support and quality nutrition and quality community. Visalus has it all!

My goal is to lose 45 lbs. Increase my endurance, increase the intensity of my work outs and to continue to heal my lungs and my bones and muscles.

In the accident I had 6 years ago I held the world record for a living person to survive with the amount of bone damage I had, as well as blood loss and organ damage. My lungs were both punctured and otherwise damaged. My muscles were all torn beyond description and with 3 years bed ridden it has taken a long time to increase and rebuild muscle mass and function.

Here I am, alive and well and invested in my holistic well being.
If you are serious about your holistic health... THIS is something that YOU need to check out. ;)


Jody Gonzalez

I'm at 211 lbs right now... let's see how much more I can transform. :)

I cannot wait to see how much more my energy will flow with ease as I work on others once I heal myself even more. Whoop!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Morris Goodman - The Miracle Man: How his story fueled my own survival

This clip from the movie The Secret played over and over in my mind when I was in the hospital with several crushed bones (primarily my entire pelvic cradle, femurs, ribs, ETC), with punctured lungs and with internal bleeding and so on... 
I could hear this line the most:
"You see, I couldn't afford to allow anything to come into my mind to distract me from my goals and my vision" The Miracle Man (Morris Goodman)
Now I am living a miracle as well and I still keep this phrase in my mind.
Sure, my bones were never put back together correctly as there were no doctors world wide that had the knowledge to work with such damages... I still have 6 large bolts in my pelvic cradle, and I'm missing a sits bone on my left side. 
I cannot... will not afford to allow anything to come into my mind to distract me from my visions. 

I've been a victim in my life and a survivor.. but I have always been enough of a warrior to get me through some VERY heavy shit... 
NOW it's time to step fully into my warrior state of being... it's time to move beyond survival and into constant state of victory. 
I do my best to invest my time, actions, & thoughts on positive, up lifting and educational sources. 
I was inundated most of my life with violence, bullies, abuse, accidents, illnesses and poverty. BUT I choose now to inundate myself with beauty, joy, inspirational sources, studying prosperity mindset, studying success (holistic) and just having fun. :) 

Take inventory of your time, energy and resources.... are you investing in your goals, dreams, values, visions, etc.? 
I'm FAR from perfect... but perfectly & fully on my journey, lol. 

People ask me often how I have come through so much and I'm still happy and working towards goals. 
Truly... I have studied personal development books and attended seminars etc for over 30 years. I've studied spiritual teachings from a diverse range of religions and beliefs for nearly 40 years. I have studied 1000's of hours in these areas. 
But it all comes down to the fact that no matter what happens in my life... I keep seeking to understand, embrace and see beauty and solutions. 

You don't need decades of study.... All you need is to step into a decision of personal investment of your time, energy and resources and each time you forget or get off track... just start again. :) 

This is a journey... a process.... a learning experience. We all live a serious of decisions daily... are yours optimistic, solution focused, love based, compassionate, etc? if not, shift your intentions... set your goals and step back into action... one choice at a time. 

As Jeffery Combs says "stop being a hard aholic and start being an easeologist" :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Where's your compassion? Does it only show when triggered by an event? Or, are you compassionate daily? Does it make a difference?

I was listening to Anthony Robbins and this blog was inspired by His quote below as well as his questions about being triggered by events. I recommend you watch his video "Breakthrough  Challenge part 1 - Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Emotions". I will include a link below. I found it on Youtube.  
This first paragraph is kind of a take off from what he says but not an exact quote. After his quote... I just let what was in me flow out in loving hope to raise awareness, critical thinking and especially to raise your level of desire to be more compassionate.

People feel such extreme emotions about horrific events of violence. But they don’t feel such emotions about the thousands of people that die every day of cancer and heart disease, or the 42,000 people that die each year from second hand smoke or the 4000 women that die each year from domestic violence or 8000 women each year that are raped. How about the hate crimes in this country and countries across the world? How about the 10 million children that dies every year in this world from hunger?

“You cannot be convenient with you compassion”
Anthony Robbins.

Tragedy happens every day in every country. Where is your compassion for others daily? Where is your compassion for yourself daily?
Do not step so much into guilt, anger, fear or sadness… Take that same energy and time and STEP INTO COMPASSION DAILY. What acts of loving kindness CAN you do each day?

Creating more laws about gun control and drugs are not the cure. They are Band-Aids that just mask what’s really causing the issues and without those issues being addressed can become an infection under that bandage Criminals do not follow laws and as history shows with increase in crimes and with over crowding in our prisons that longer sentences do not detour criminals from their choices.

What about choices? When you look at a situation and you see two choices, you will make one of the two. But if you look at that same situation and discover there are dozens of choices, you will have more to chose from and most often, humans truly do their best most of the time with what they have and with what they know. With expanded awareness of choices they will have more options to make the best choice from. But where does that awareness come from? Mostly those choices come from education, quality family relationships and quality community services and relationships within their community.

We spend more and more on prisons, tightening laws and less and less on officers that can enforce those laws, emergency response services, quality justice systems and worse, we are spending far less on our educational systems, mental health services and towards preserving our natural resources.

So we know what we don’t like, what we don’t want, we know often what is not working… but what does work? What can we do about creating safer, healthier and more prosperous communities? What can we do about lowering the crime rate and increasing peace and harmony?
What can you do as an individual?

  • Could you eat a bit less and with the money you save donate that to feed the hungry?
  • Could you meditate on peace, harmony, happiness and prosperity and raise the vibrational level of this world?
  • Could you stop spending money on company’s products that exploit their workers and or that damage the land or the air?
  • Could you stop smoking? Could you use the money and time you save from smoking to donate to some great cause or to join a gym or to help a loved one?
  • Could you eat healthier and work out a bit more?
  • Could you volunteer somewhere? Could you learn a new language and expand your connection with others?
  • Could you learn better communication skills so that you can speak more kindly, more compassionately and more peacefully?
  • Could you vote and be involved with increasing mental health services and easier access?
  • Could you learn a skill or trade and spend a year in another country or in a local community teaching others that same skill or trade to help them help themselves?
  • Could you donate more time or money to education and training?
  • Could you invest money towards improving water sources in the world?
  • Could you do more self care every day so that YOU do NOT become “that person!” that hurts others or the environment?
  • Could you learn traditional art forms and languages and be part of preserving the ancient teachings that may very well hold many answers to today’s questions?
  • Could you love yourself more?
  • Could you stop complaining about what you don’t have and start appreciating what you do have?
  • Could you turn your TV off a couple of hours a week and study something that can help you grow as a person? Or could you use that time to volunteer, or to make blankets for the homeless?
  • Could you spend some time to connect more lovingly with your loved ones, check in, see how they are and support them in their healing and in their goals?
  • Could you donate your clothes and household goods to quality non-profits?
  • Could you recycle and plant trees and do some simple steps that lead to something powerful for our planet?
  • Could you support farms and natural lands?  
  • Could you forgive more?
  • Could you love more?
  • Could you allow yourself to receive more so you can build yourself more so you can have more to give?
  • Could you research and learn more so that when you do vote and get involved you do so as an educated well learned person?
  • Could you open your mind more to see a bigger picture and various perspectives?
  • Could you be willing to see that WE ARE ALL CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER AND TO THIS GREAT EARTH?
  • Could you get involved in mastermind groups that are solution focused and that use colaborative problem solving skills to come up with solutions, action steps and that actually follow through with implementing such brilliant ideas and action septs?
  • Could you share you genious mind, amazing gifts and talents more often? :)
  • Could you make choices leading far more from your heart and soul and only use your mind as a resource rather than team captain?


What ripple are you creating in this world? When you are stuck in anger, fear, sadness you are sending that…. Through daily acts of self love, personal development and acts of compassion you will shift that ripple.

TRUTH: We all impact the events of the world
far more than they actually impact us.”
Jody Gonzalez

If you are overwhelmed and need support, go give it. AND allow yourself to receive it. Soon you will become support and support attracts support.
If you feel unloved, go show love to someone and especially to yourself AND allow others to show love to you. Soon you will become love and love attracts love.
“Light attracts light and as soon as you see it in others you can see it in yourself… as soon as you see it in yourself you can see it in others.. both are true, the fastest way to “SEE” is to “BE.” Jody Gonzalez




If not… what can you do right now, within yourself to begin that journey of compassion towards yourself and towards others? EFT tapping? Reiki? Life Coaching? Receiving massage? Taking classes? Joining beautiful uplifting communities? Volunteering? Acts of service? The list is endless of beautiful things you can do to raise your life condition and your way of life so that you can be that change you would like to see.

A hand out is limiting and temporary. A hand up is long lasting. Providing education, training and resources that will help others grow, improve their life condition as THEY see it is an act of compassion.

Try Sacred Works Project or or your local domestic / sexual violence programs as great places to donate money or time or services.

Try non-denominational or non-religious, non-profits with high accountability for their funding.
Some non-profit organizations, even the famous ones pay their directors hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, when they could place a cap on those wages and put more of that donated money towards the causes they promote.

Find what fits your vision, your values and your journey and get involved. Even if you start meditating, learning traditional martial arts, learning yoga, learning EFT tapping, diversifying your music and or your reading genres’, each action you make, does make a huge difference over time. ALL small steps and contributions lead to the bigger picture. We don’t need people in capes and tights; we need real people making real differences starting with their own lives. <3



My prayers of love, forgiveness, healing and peace go out to all victims of violence, hunger, poverty, illness and fear. I see you in your highest light form and I hold you there. I see you healed, fed, safe, loving, joyful and at peace. I see your loved ones there as well. I see you. I hear you. I feel you. I support you. I love you. I forgive you. I forgive myself. I release you. I release myself. Anthony Robbins video.