Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Where's your compassion? Does it only show when triggered by an event? Or, are you compassionate daily? Does it make a difference?

I was listening to Anthony Robbins and this blog was inspired by His quote below as well as his questions about being triggered by events. I recommend you watch his video "Breakthrough  Challenge part 1 - Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Emotions". I will include a link below. I found it on Youtube.  
This first paragraph is kind of a take off from what he says but not an exact quote. After his quote... I just let what was in me flow out in loving hope to raise awareness, critical thinking and especially to raise your level of desire to be more compassionate.

People feel such extreme emotions about horrific events of violence. But they don’t feel such emotions about the thousands of people that die every day of cancer and heart disease, or the 42,000 people that die each year from second hand smoke or the 4000 women that die each year from domestic violence or 8000 women each year that are raped. How about the hate crimes in this country and countries across the world? How about the 10 million children that dies every year in this world from hunger?

“You cannot be convenient with you compassion”
Anthony Robbins.

Tragedy happens every day in every country. Where is your compassion for others daily? Where is your compassion for yourself daily?
Do not step so much into guilt, anger, fear or sadness… Take that same energy and time and STEP INTO COMPASSION DAILY. What acts of loving kindness CAN you do each day?

Creating more laws about gun control and drugs are not the cure. They are Band-Aids that just mask what’s really causing the issues and without those issues being addressed can become an infection under that bandage Criminals do not follow laws and as history shows with increase in crimes and with over crowding in our prisons that longer sentences do not detour criminals from their choices.

What about choices? When you look at a situation and you see two choices, you will make one of the two. But if you look at that same situation and discover there are dozens of choices, you will have more to chose from and most often, humans truly do their best most of the time with what they have and with what they know. With expanded awareness of choices they will have more options to make the best choice from. But where does that awareness come from? Mostly those choices come from education, quality family relationships and quality community services and relationships within their community.

We spend more and more on prisons, tightening laws and less and less on officers that can enforce those laws, emergency response services, quality justice systems and worse, we are spending far less on our educational systems, mental health services and towards preserving our natural resources.

So we know what we don’t like, what we don’t want, we know often what is not working… but what does work? What can we do about creating safer, healthier and more prosperous communities? What can we do about lowering the crime rate and increasing peace and harmony?
What can you do as an individual?

  • Could you eat a bit less and with the money you save donate that to feed the hungry?
  • Could you meditate on peace, harmony, happiness and prosperity and raise the vibrational level of this world?
  • Could you stop spending money on company’s products that exploit their workers and or that damage the land or the air?
  • Could you stop smoking? Could you use the money and time you save from smoking to donate to some great cause or to join a gym or to help a loved one?
  • Could you eat healthier and work out a bit more?
  • Could you volunteer somewhere? Could you learn a new language and expand your connection with others?
  • Could you learn better communication skills so that you can speak more kindly, more compassionately and more peacefully?
  • Could you vote and be involved with increasing mental health services and easier access?
  • Could you learn a skill or trade and spend a year in another country or in a local community teaching others that same skill or trade to help them help themselves?
  • Could you donate more time or money to education and training?
  • Could you invest money towards improving water sources in the world?
  • Could you do more self care every day so that YOU do NOT become “that person!” that hurts others or the environment?
  • Could you learn traditional art forms and languages and be part of preserving the ancient teachings that may very well hold many answers to today’s questions?
  • Could you love yourself more?
  • Could you stop complaining about what you don’t have and start appreciating what you do have?
  • Could you turn your TV off a couple of hours a week and study something that can help you grow as a person? Or could you use that time to volunteer, or to make blankets for the homeless?
  • Could you spend some time to connect more lovingly with your loved ones, check in, see how they are and support them in their healing and in their goals?
  • Could you donate your clothes and household goods to quality non-profits?
  • Could you recycle and plant trees and do some simple steps that lead to something powerful for our planet?
  • Could you support farms and natural lands?  
  • Could you forgive more?
  • Could you love more?
  • Could you allow yourself to receive more so you can build yourself more so you can have more to give?
  • Could you research and learn more so that when you do vote and get involved you do so as an educated well learned person?
  • Could you open your mind more to see a bigger picture and various perspectives?
  • Could you be willing to see that WE ARE ALL CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER AND TO THIS GREAT EARTH?
  • Could you get involved in mastermind groups that are solution focused and that use colaborative problem solving skills to come up with solutions, action steps and that actually follow through with implementing such brilliant ideas and action septs?
  • Could you share you genious mind, amazing gifts and talents more often? :)
  • Could you make choices leading far more from your heart and soul and only use your mind as a resource rather than team captain?


What ripple are you creating in this world? When you are stuck in anger, fear, sadness you are sending that…. Through daily acts of self love, personal development and acts of compassion you will shift that ripple.

TRUTH: We all impact the events of the world
far more than they actually impact us.”
Jody Gonzalez

If you are overwhelmed and need support, go give it. AND allow yourself to receive it. Soon you will become support and support attracts support.
If you feel unloved, go show love to someone and especially to yourself AND allow others to show love to you. Soon you will become love and love attracts love.
“Light attracts light and as soon as you see it in others you can see it in yourself… as soon as you see it in yourself you can see it in others.. both are true, the fastest way to “SEE” is to “BE.” Jody Gonzalez




If not… what can you do right now, within yourself to begin that journey of compassion towards yourself and towards others? EFT tapping? Reiki? Life Coaching? Receiving massage? Taking classes? Joining beautiful uplifting communities? Volunteering? Acts of service? The list is endless of beautiful things you can do to raise your life condition and your way of life so that you can be that change you would like to see.

A hand out is limiting and temporary. A hand up is long lasting. Providing education, training and resources that will help others grow, improve their life condition as THEY see it is an act of compassion.

Try Sacred Works Project or or your local domestic / sexual violence programs as great places to donate money or time or services.

Try non-denominational or non-religious, non-profits with high accountability for their funding.
Some non-profit organizations, even the famous ones pay their directors hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, when they could place a cap on those wages and put more of that donated money towards the causes they promote.

Find what fits your vision, your values and your journey and get involved. Even if you start meditating, learning traditional martial arts, learning yoga, learning EFT tapping, diversifying your music and or your reading genres’, each action you make, does make a huge difference over time. ALL small steps and contributions lead to the bigger picture. We don’t need people in capes and tights; we need real people making real differences starting with their own lives. <3



My prayers of love, forgiveness, healing and peace go out to all victims of violence, hunger, poverty, illness and fear. I see you in your highest light form and I hold you there. I see you healed, fed, safe, loving, joyful and at peace. I see your loved ones there as well. I see you. I hear you. I feel you. I support you. I love you. I forgive you. I forgive myself. I release you. I release myself. Anthony Robbins video.

Friday, November 9, 2012

My morning dream. Magic returns.

This morning I had a dream of magic. It’s been so long since I've had such dreams.

I ended up out in a land of mountains, rivers and rich forest. It was autumn and a rainbow of colors painted the landscape, along with a few remaining patches of lovely greens. I saw a shallow pile of fallen leaves. They were brilliant red and the smell was fantastic. It was late morning and I could smell the moisture in the air, yet it was a perfect temperature. Cool air mixed with small amounts of warm air gently danced around my body. I felt called to the pile of leafs and I tossed myself into them. I laid there making snow angle motions with my arms and legs and giggled like a little girl.

I could smell the sweet smell of wet leafs and the freshness of the mountain air. I felt the moist soil beneath the pile of leafs and it smelled its’ earthy fragrance. Joyfully I drank everything in from all of my senses.

I heard birds singing, the wind playing in the trees and the sound of rushing rivers nearby.  I heard the sound of large wings slowly moving above me. I turned onto my back and watched as a huge eagle swooped down and caught a fish, circled above me and flew off over some trees. I closed my eyes and said thank you to the universe for the magic of this moment. As I was smiling and in my prayer of gratitude I heard something overhead again and thought it was the eagle. I opened my eyes to see a beagle with large wings flying over; he was pulling a large slay with several four and five year old children. I turned over onto my belly as it passed over and landed on the other side of me. I was in such joy to see a flying dog and to see children at play.

Just as I watched the giggling little children jumping out of the slay I heard someone calling my name. I realized it was my daughter. She called to me, I looked around and the beautiful scene gently slipped away. I opened my eyes and realized I was dreaming. My daughter was there waking me up to remind me I was running late for work.

Once she walked out of my room I heard a song in my mind so real as if someone was standing right there behind me singing it to me.

Boys2men “Ill Make Love To You”

Close your eyes, make a wish
And blow out the candlelight
For tonight is just your night
We're gonna celebrate, 
All through the night

Pour the wine, light the fire
Girl your wish is my command
I submit to your demands
I will do anything, 
Girl you need only ask

I spent the morning feeling like I've just fallen in love. I felt magic return to my life.

And I am still in aw of my dream, my spirit song and all of the joy in my heart.
Blessings of peace and love my friends. 

Monday, October 29, 2012


When death can come at a blink of an eye without warning, how do we know this moment isn't our last?
How is it that we take so many moments for granted when each one is just as important as any other?
Is the argument with a loved one more important than the moment you agree to disagree and hug and say I love you?
What if this day were your last? What legacy will you leave?
What will your last words be?
What if today is the first of 40, 50, and 60 more years of life?
What will you start your journey off with? Love? Anger? Depression? Passion? Curiosity?
Each moment we have may be the end of a cycle or a beginning. Each moment matters and no matter what is happening right now, in this moment you get to choose what you are doing, thinking, feeling...
In this moment you can change the questions in your mind and redirect the focus of your life.
If you are sitting in anger, guilt, rage, depression, loss... at any point you can shift this.

When we lose a loved one, we can become flooded with so many "shadow" emotions and thoughts. Go ahead and feel all of this. Sit with it, and move through it. And come to the space were too you discover loss is also beautiful. Our loved one is now in a place they no longer are experiencing the suffering of the human condition.
In Buddhism there is a saying, “suffer what there is to suffer and enjoy what there is to enjoy”.  In many cultures, mourning is extremely important to go through. Key phrase here, “go through”. Not to stay stuck in, not to avoid, not to overcome or conquer but rather, “to go through”. Experience it and once you move through it, keep moving. The sense of mourning will touch you from time to time and remember, the richness of life is meant for us all.
Most folks on their death bed have not pondered the regret of; “I wish I had worked more, been lazier, fought more, or stayed in depression or anger longer”. Most that have the time to ponder how they have lived their lives think if they had it to do over, they would have lived more, enjoyed more, loved more, laughed more, had more fun. If you stop living fully, are you not only cheating yourself but cheating the life teachings of those that have passed, even those we see as having passed too soon?
If you had another chance, what would you do differently?  What can you do NOW? What CAN you do right NOW? FAR MORE THAN YOU MAY REALIZE!
Understand that through thousands of years and through many cultural beliefs, religious doctrine and the like, there is much agreement with the idea of life’s purpose for us all is to be of service, to appreciate, enjoy and experience richly the offerings of life (birth, suffering, pleasure and death), to learn, and to love deeply.
We are all one... we are all part of this one heart beat and each decision to live richly brings more strength, joy and healing to us all. 
There is a cross roads here where you can make a decision to live as joyous and as giving as possible and experience the richness of life for yourself and for those that cannot.
This crossroads exist in all steps of our journey. At any given moment you can say, “ok, now is the moment I am shifting my direction. “ And then step in a new direction.
Those emotions of guilt, shame, anger, and blame are not here to destroy us, they are here as teachers and guides. Do not sit with them for long because they can become the trickster if given too much attention. Simply listen to their guidance and move forwards.  Have these emotions guided us to see mistakes we have made? Then do what you can to learn how to stop repeating those mistakes. Step joyously into the lessons. Learn from a love directed focus.
Have you ever said a statement like this: “I have learned to never trust anyone again”? This is not loved based learning. This is fear based learning. Learning from the lesson of blame or anger, etc. This is staying stuck. If you have been hurt, then learn to let go of the attachment of others and to truly step into the connectedness with others. Learn to let go of the expectations of others and start to live and vibrate at a space that brings you joy and confidence in yourself and in your own life and the universe will line up to support your focus and your investments.

If life feels painful and you feel stuck, seek counseling, natural healers, and / or life coaches for assistance. Read books that guide you to refocus your thoughts. Start to get involved with activities and people that are fun, uplifting, positive, joyful, and interesting, etc… start to take classes, read books, have conversations that challenge you and help you to expand your thinking, your abilities physically, emotionally, and mentally, etc…
Your life is your responsibility. We cannot control life or death. We cannot control the way others live, behave or talk. But we can control ourselves. We can participate in our own personal investments and do the work towards shifting ourselves, moment to moment.  In the beginning, it is moment to moment and as you grow and practice mindfulness and love based living and loved based learning you will notice effort becomes easy. At times days, weeks and months can pass and you notice you are living your shift without much effort. You will realize that paddling your boat downstream is a much easier tasks then paddling upstream. You may run into rapids from time to time but you will have the confidence and the abilities to direct your life in the direction you wish no matter what is coming your way.
Like a pro kayaker, in time, you’ll be ridding the current with joy and skill.

 I wish you a happy, loving journey. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

I'm so happy I didn't listen too much to what "they said" and did and do what I want.

What they said:
They said I had a couple of months to live, several times in my lifetime the last one being several years ago. But I’m still here
They said there was no way I’d walk, that was when I was a toddler, but I have walked and ran and climbed and jumped and played and rode bikes and horses and on and on. Then they tried to say similar 5 years ago, still I move and move and move.
They said If I had kids I’d die, but that I probably couldn’t have kids anyway, but I have given birth to four; (three live births) and have three beautiful daughters and two amazing grandsons now.
They said I’d never speak right; HA! And My family and friends would say HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 
 They said no one could survive such injuries (at least 4 times in my life.) But I’m still here.
Five years ago they said that I’d never bend over or crawl or do yoga or martial arts or ride horses again to name a few, and yet those are things I enjoy as much as I can now.  AND I am able to! Like a beginner, but regardless, I AM DOING. 

They said, they said, they said….

They asked me; “how do you do it Jody”? I say I let spirit lead me. It is through prayer that leads me to that which I need: Reiki, EFT tapping, FRIENDS, FAMILY, LOVE, life coaches, healers of many walks of life and I listen, I try and fail and try and fail and try and fail and try and before I know it… I’m doing, success is a process of trying and continuing to show up even when I have no idea of what I’m doing, of what the outcome will be, I just show up and do as much as I can, even if it’s to observe, I show up.
They ask me; “why do you even try Jody”? I respond: “Because I can” 

When doctors tell you what you can and cannot do, remember that you get to participate in this choice.
You can take it lying down or you can “go out” enjoying as much possible.
Have you ever heard those questions: “what would you do with your life if you knew you only have a couple of months to live”? Most people answer with these great answers of all the fun things they’d do.
But the sad reality is that when people are told they have limited things they can do or limited time they can spend they end up spending it sad, worried and getting sicker and sicker.
My thoughts are if I’m going to die or be sick I might as well live as much as I possibly can while I can live.
If my body allows movement today then I’m moving. If it is only my mind that can move today, then I am visualizing myself dancing, doing Martial Arts, running, playing and enjoying life while I give thanks in celebration for all of the movement I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy.
I do advise to work with your medical specialist and with your body. Tune into what your body is saying.
If eating certain foods, doing certain activities means you will be very sick for several days and in bed, then do something else, or do it in moderation. If you must do the activity then do it in awareness of what the outcome MAY be.  AND do it in gratitude and celebration! 

My dear friend and mentor, Desiree Rudder, told me that I can send Reiki ahead of me on activities. So that is what I began doing. I have sent out visualizations, Reiki and gratitude ahead of myself. THIS has proven to be highly effective.  I see myself in celebration of the outcome I desire at the end of the activity. I see Reiki waiting for me every 3 to 10 steps of my walk. Or I see Reiki waiting for me in the field where I practice yoga or Martial Arts, or in the saddle of the horse I ride.
When I could only walk about 3 or four blocks but then be in bed most of that day as a result, or if I went over that amount, I would be bed for a couple of days in agony as a result I made the choice and took Desiree’s guidance. I put it to the test and ended up walking 10 blocks or so, came home rested 16 minutes, got up, did dishes for about 10 minutes, rested 8 minutes and then cooked for about 25 minutes and then sat on the sofa for a two hour movie without additional pain. In fact, my pain was bit lower than before my walk! 

Desiree Rudder LMT & Me; Jody G

I was told I couldn’t raise one leg at a time or have balance again. I started out lifting the heel of one foot for a few seconds while holding a fence. I’d alternate feet and do that each time I took the dogs out. Soon I was doing it without the fence. Then I began lifting my toes 1 inch off of the ground and doing that a few times a day. After about 3 months I could stand with one foot on my inner thigh in the tree pose (yoga). I could do it on both sides without touching the fence for support. After another couple of months, I could do this pose with no support nearby and do it with confidence.  Sometimes I can hold the pose for several minutes.
Healing is a process of baby steps. We don’t have to challenge our diagnosis with big leaps that could lead to intense trauma or that could greatly shorten our life span. Rather, we can take each day to embrace the possibility that wellness and a better quality of life awaits us and take those tiny baby steps to walk towards health and freedom. All the while enjoying the journey as that is what it’s all about anyway right. 

I snuck this pic during class while they were goofing around. Lol!

For me, I’d rather take baby steps towards goals that “they said” would be impossible than to sit around and make sure “they” were right.
I’d rather live my life taken steps towards the possibilities of; “what if they’re wrong”.
How about YOU? 

What if “they” are wrong?
What if you really do have a short time to live? What will you do with that time?
What if you have dozens of years to enjoy? What will you do with that time?
What if you truly have no way of knowing and what “they” say is a guess and only the Universe knows?
What if you can do some baby steps and discover that your pain has gone from a daily level of 8 to a daily level of 2 or less?
How will you live differently when you have lower pain or no pain at all?
How will you live differently when you have more years than you realized?
How will you live when you discover that you really can achieve and experience dreams that you have always wanted?
How will you feel? What will you do? How will you live?
You discover that the limits set before you by others and even by yourself are actually illusions that can be changed into realities that you dream of?
Worst case: you do your best…. Take baby steps, make healthy choices and really do the work and still things get worse… wouldn’t it be FAR better to know you did your best AND YOU lived trying? Wouldn’t you feel better about yourself if you did the work to be victorious regardless of the rewards than to lie around and be a victim of no or little action?
There are so many things you can do and many things you can overcome and many tools to assist you along your journey.
There are coaches and healers that are skilled, trained and talented in these very areas. You are NOT alone in this journey. Reach out and take that first baby step.
I believe in you. I SEE your higher self. I hold that space for you in loving light.
Are you ready? 


They said I'd spend most of my life sitting or laying and with very low activity levels. 

Here's just some of what I do instead:
Most all of this is done with EASE and very little consequence. MOST of the consequences actually are lower pain and higher energy...  

Walk up to 2 miles every now and then
Ride horses up to half an hour at this time
Participate in Martial Arts once a week for two hours
Walk my dogs every day for 5 -15 minutes
Walk sometimes for up to 4 hours doing photography (stop and go with some sitting).
Attend tons of events: concerts, Pow Wows, shows, classes, work shops, church, Temple (Buddhist), ETC (1 to 6 hours long).
Play with my grandchildren on the playground or in the house.
I WORK a full time job! This is a real shocker to "THEM", Hahahaha! I get to laugh in joy with this! 
I  do healing work with dogs, horses and with my fellow human (up to 4 hours in a day)
I teach classes up to 6 hours long
I do coaching with others up to 4 sessions in a day. 

THIS is some of what I DO that "THEY" said I could never do. 

I have discovered things that work for me by trying and by showing up. LIFE IS GOOD!!! 

Here's what to do when "they" say what your limits are: 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Exploring cooking with Mama's Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce. What a delicious journey!


My journey cooking with Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce, celebrating the delicious flavors of life and "Oceans and Oceans of Kindness".
I can taste the flavors of life and feel the blessings of loving kindness as I cook and as I consume this incredible sauce. This is one of those foods that has beautiful living energy.

I’d like to share with you some of my discoveries along my joyful journey using Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce. This fantastic sauce has opened up an entirely new world of cooking for me so I am delighted to share with you some simple ways to use Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce to make food interesting again.

Most of these are simple variations of things you may already eat and I’m mostly just adding Mama’s Fire Tibetan hot sauce to diversify and to take basics or even boring foods and turn them into gourmet tasting dishes.  This has been a fun and a very delicious journey of exploration. Enjoy…

I borrowed pictures of Mama's Fire products from their website:

FYI: This is my first time writing out recipes of any sorts and these were tested before I wrote them out and not after so proceed with loving kindness. J

Hints & tips: I purchase Mama’s Fire Tibetan hot sauce at Life Source in Salem Oregon: However you can also purchase Mama’s Fire Tibetan hot sauce directly online at their website:  they also have an amazing BBQ sauce too! While you are on Mama’s Fire’s website check out their “recipe” tab for more great recipes!

I’m willing to try Mama’s Fire on almost anything because so far it’s been incredible on everything I have tried to date.

At Life Source and other natural food stores you can find healthy alternatives for the ingredients used below.  Please chose local, organic, happy foods as much as you possibly can, it’s good for your body, your soul and for our planet.

Vary the amounts of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce per your taste. I preferred a bit more of a kick so you may need to test out these amounts to suit your personal preference.

 Mama’s spicy peanut butter with bacon sandwich  


Two slices of bread (I really like "Dave's Killer Bread") 

4 slices of thick cut bacon

Peanut butter

1teaspoon or more of Mama’s Fire Tibetan hot sauce

Items needed:

Bacon cooking tray or skillet or cookie sheet

Butter knife

Plate or paper towel


Cook the bacon to your liking: In the microwave, on the stove or in the oven. Please follow the cooking instructions on the bacon package.

Note: Fried provolone can be used as a bacon alternative. Check out this link:

Toast your bread if you want it toasted

Place your bread or toast on a plate or paper towel

Spread peanut butter on each slice of toast

Spread the teaspoon of Mama’s Fire hot sauce on one slice

Lay the bacon across the long way of that one slice of bread so that the bacon is covering the entire slice of bread or toast

Lay the other slice of bread/toast on top, cut in half and enjoy.

Cup of noodles or Raman noodles:

Prepare as you normally would

Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce

Another variation: add 1 or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter at the end of preparing along with Mama’s Fire and enjoy a Thai tasting dish.

Adding peanut butter at the end gives a cream texture. If you add while heating or cooking the peanut butter often takes on a slimy texture and may not be as pleasurable.


Cook the noodles make sure you have used the season package at some point

Remove the noodles and place them in a bowl

With the remaining broth add 1 or 2 tablespoons of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce

Add 1 cup of frozen spinach or vegetable of your choice heat until hot (or done) and scoop them out and add the veggies on top of the noodles

Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, mix until well blended and then poor over your noodles and vegetables.

Curry soups:

Prepare your favorite curry soup and add 1 or two tablespoons of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce to each 1.5 cups or 2 cups of soup for a fantastic dance of flavors in your mouth. So yummy!

Progresso soups and other canned soups:

Add about 1 tablespoon or more per cup of soup.  Take the ordinary and turn it into extraordinary! Progresso makes great soups and Mama’s fire makes them rock this world! Just saying, J

Curry and or coconut dishes:

Add Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce to various curry and or coconut recipes. Add to soups, sauces, lentils, rice dishes and much more.


Before baking, brush a thin or thick layer of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce over the chicken for a delicious Tibetan kick.

Spinach side dish or topper:

Items needed:

Small to medium sauce pan with a lid

Table spoon

Mixing spoon


2 cups fresh spinach (in a bag is easiest)

3 tablespoons of water (less water may be fine)

2 tablespoons of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce

Pinch or so of sea salt

Pinch of black pepper

1/8 teaspoon of onion powder


Rinse the spinach and drain the water off (or use a salad spinner)

Chop the spinach or leave whole (it simmers down a bit better when it’s chopped up at least a bit)

Heat the water and Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce to a nice simmer or slow boil

Add the onion powder, sea salt and the black pepper to the liquid and mix in

Add the spinach to the hot liquid mix, top with lid and let it wilt down

Completely mix spinach with liquid, remove from heat, let set about 4 minutes but stir it each minute to make sure flavors completely mix in.  

Serve hot on the side or over a nice juicy peppered stake

You can also add a sprinkle sesame seeds or crushed pine nuts or walnuts on top for added flavor, texture and visual appeal.

Addition pointers:

Try making your favorite homemade soups, lentil dishes, and quinoa dishes with a bit of Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce to give it a whole new flavor and or a nice kick.

When preparing lentil dishes from scratch here is a great website worth taking a look at:

Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce is wonderful in many dishes from around the world such as Indian, Thai, Tibetan, African dishes and stir fry’s.

Another discovery I have made is that in healthy dishes when I add Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce I find it far more interesting and am drawn towards eating the healthier foods since I have started using Mama’s Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce than I once was before.  

Try adding it your salad dressings too!

While some of these recipes may be healthy or a healthier choice than other meals, some may be high in cholesterol, calories, sugar or total carbohydrates. Please check each ingredient you are using and be sure it matches your dietary needs.



Foot notes:
While I really want to share in my delight of Mama's Fire Tibetan Hot Sauce,
I realized that I also love Dave's Killer Bread for sandwiches so of course,
I had to put that plug in too.
All good stuff!

More foot notes:
The other key thing for me here is choosing to use products or patronize businesses with heart! These products and companies mentioned here all have heart. They all give back to, contribute to and connect with their communities in many ways.
They chose products or ingredients that are quality good for you kind of good stuff.

And more foot notes:
I was not hired to write this by any company. And I haven't asked their permission.
 I enjoy these products and want to share my experience with you.
This is my exclusive experience (my families experience too!) and I hope it will be yours as well.
In fact, I'm confident you will enjoy these products as well that that was why I wanted to share.
All of these products are just far too good to keep a secret.