Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ghetto Buddha. What!?

Happy Tuesday!

What the heck is Ghetto Buddha.... LOL NOOooooo it's not marijuana from the Ghetto...

It's a funny nick name for myself. It's not really what anyone calls me but almost more how I can be described, humorously that is.

I am multicultural including race, class, spiritual practices and beliefs and I find humor in so much of life.

Often I found it easy to fit in everywhere I go because I am so diverse. I am a mix of so many beliefs and ways of life:
  • I can have a mouth that should not be heard many places LOL.
  • Even when people think I'm a dork, I think I'm hilarious!
  • I'm quite studious and especially learn as much as I can about creating inner peace, prosperity, and creating a life of joy.

I'm the kind of person that can kick it anywhere. Seriously, I can hold my own in a room of PH D's and not miss much of a beat. I can kick it with multi-millionaires, old money and new money and attend black tie events just fine. I can also fit in just fine in a back yard BBQ in most any hood, trailer park or barrio. It's because I'm comfortable and confident in myself and can blend in most places. There is much I don't know, yet I'm comfortable with that and open to learning.

What I notice is that because I am comfortable with myself, others are as well. It's not at all that I know the languages or customs but that I am relaxed, open to learn and can laugh at myself an allow others to laugh at me as well. Even the things about myself that might seem offensive or awkward to others somehow becomes acceptable as we get to know each other and even beyond that.

The shadow side of that is I can also lose myself a bit if I am in one area too long. I have to keep myself being true to me and not become my environment. A chameleons can blend in very well but regardless, it's still a lizard. So I have to keep that in mind. When I was young it was a lot harder, but now it's pretty easy to remain true to myself, authentic in all environments. And the great thing is... I fit in better now the more I know how/who I am.

One thing I observe is people try too hard and in doing so they can become offensive when submerged in a culture of which they know little or just enough to be dangerous.

You will deal with the same things everywhere you go. There are those that will poke fun at you for being different, others fascinate by it, others feeling Superior and others feeling violated etc... the list goes on. Regardless of race, religion, nationality, gender etc... ego, fear and pain affect many. As well, many people feel the joy of learning about you, the opportunity to become connected to a culture other than their own, expanding their own beliefs and circle of friends. There is light and shadow in all cultures.

See people as simple human beings, inner connected to ourselves, and by really being your authentic self you will learn so much more.

Find humor in simple mistakes and move on. Be compassionate with yourself as well as others. Love yourself deeply as well as others. See your own beauty and you will see theirs.

Those little things such as swear words and "weird cultural traditions" are just little things. Honor them as they are, respect their homes and countries (laws and rules), and know that as you accept them just as they are, you will find you can accept yourself more as well, and vice versa.

As you read things I write you will see that I often reflect my moods and the environment that I have been spending much time in or reflecting on. And you'll see I have plenty of dorky humor to toss in here and there. So enjoy the crazy ride of my mind.... I sure the hell do. LOL 

"I love myself, I love you, I love myself" (RUMI)

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