Saturday, November 13, 2010

Action is a vital part of the equation

"You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone, which can become a watered-down, occasional hope that you'll get to tomorrow. Intention without action is useless.' Caroline Myss"

In Buddhism they say something like: Practice plus faith plus action equals results.

This similar belief is in many philosophies and religions. Yet even though this is such a wide belief many people forget the action part.

It's not the action that says... all action, hard work, etc is the only way... not the controlling it all attitude or sort of action... it is

Setting an intention that you will get a job, then working on all the right steps to get there and accessing a quality network of people and services to assist along the journey, having faith that your intention is set and your prayers are out there now all you have to do is be part of the process.

When you have practice of some sort and faith in a higher power the action comes with FAR more ease and FAR better results.


I love dialogue in areas such as this.

What things can and will you do today to create the kind of outcome you desire?

Have peace in your day

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