Monday, December 20, 2010

EFT Tapping on weight loss/release

I am so impressed with the affects of EFT Tapping on my life, my health and that of so many others!

I tapped just a couple of times on the topics of food, eating, cravings, body image, etc... all combined in just a couple of sessions and then forgot about it.

Yesterday as we were making holiday cookies as a family with all kinds of candies and cookies on the table I found that I was really enjoying the smells, the colors, the shapes and designs and even snacked on some things here and there... but I did not feel like eating it all.


I am not one of those people that can or would sit down and eat a lot at one time usually. However, I do eat all day long. Especially when my favorite foods are available I will just pop something in my mouth every chance I get. So for me to be sitting there at a table of goodies for hours and only eat a little bit of candy and one cookie with no desire to eat more or to take any home was very surprising. I told my daughter I didn't want to take any home but she insisted and the grand kids looked at me with big puppy dog eyes. Yet even now, with them in the kitchen I am still not focused on them.

Focus on some foods has been an issue for me in the past. Not much, but somewhat of an issue. I would know that there was something in the kitchen that I wanted and I would plan how and when I would get it. If my kids beat me to it, 99% of the time I was OK with that but if they didn't, I would find a way to fit it into my eating that day. As a person with diabetes I have to be careful of what I eat so I plan my treats so that it wont make my sugar go up too high.

I realized I am able to wear some close that were too small on me just a couple of months ago. It seems I have lost about 3 inches off of my waist by tapping on food only 2 or 3 times.

I have made no other conscious choices to change how or what I ate, or to exercise more and yet I am having great results.

Plus the other bonus is that I have felt more energy to do more things. I have had more desire to attend more functions and the BEST thing in my experiences since Tapping is that my relationships are stronger with others.

I am finding that in all areas of my life I am seeing improvements.

They say tap on everything (such as weight, bad habits, anger, prosperity/poverty, health, etc) and so as I am tapping on issues in my life, and assisting others with Tapping on the issues in their lives... My life is improving so much, so fast I feel like I'm in heaven much of the time. I am in awe of the increase in beauty in my life.

Most people know me as an optimistic, loving, gentle and accepting person. I feel this is true. Yet even though I know there is room for improvement I didn't realize how much room there was until the improvements started taking place so rapidly and on such a grand scale. I LOVE IT!

I am happy being any size; athletic, full figured etc... I am currently full figured and I find all people of all sizes are of equal value and beauty. And as a person that was athletic before, I miss the range of motion I had before the weight got in my way. I miss the way I felt physically. And I love the way my bones feel with less weight on them.

To me, releasing weight is not about being thin or looking good based on some facade painted by media. Releasing weight for me is about how I feel and having more freedoms to do more things in my life. It is about a quality of life and how my current weight affects my health.

I had been anorexic as a youth and young adult and went through many health issues due to that illness. I have come along way in loving myself, accepting myself and others in regards to body image. So now, this is about how my body feels and moves and not about how my image is affected.

Remember that releasing weight is a healthy way of feeling better. Loosing weight is a control issue and your subconscious mind will fight to get back things it's lost. However the subconscious mind loves releasing things that are getting in its way and accepting in a new way of life that is healthier.

Deep down I know that I am lovable, acceptable and beautiful exactly as I am.

Deep down I know that all people are valuable and worthy of love regardless of their body style, size or abilities.
Deep down I know that I am included in this universal truth.

I am learning to release the fat and toxins from my body that are holding me back and slowing me down.

I am learning to love myself exactly as I am.

I am willing to release the fat and toxins from my body.

I am willing to allow myself to be healthy.

I am willing to accept myself exactly as I am.

Even though I may crave junk food or even eat them I am acceptable exactly as I am.

Even though my body stays the same or changes in anyway I know I am safe and lovable exactly as I am at all times.

Enjoy your day and if you need someone to assist you in learning how to tap and getting over some of the challenges of tapping on your own.

Contact me and let's schedule a session. (Salem Oregon are in person, or anywhere over the phone or web cam).
EFT Tapping is one of the most powerful forms of healing and increasing prosperity I have ever used with my clients as well as with myself.

In tapping we uncover many beliefs we have had hidden deep in our subconscious mind and release them.

First you have to accept and love yourself exactly as you are. Acceptance is the first step in releasing and in shifting your life.

In love and light

I am acceptable and lovable.

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