Saturday, April 9, 2011

Expand through appreciation. You get more of what you "see".

Hi beautiful people! What an amazing day it is today!

Two years ago and most of the years of my life I would have had rare times when I could have made such optimistic statements... especially from a place of sincerity, authenticity and inner peace. Now, this is how I live my life! I live a life full of joy and inspiration!

Someone asked me "how do you know when you are doing well in your life? How do you know you are a good person? How do you know you are beautiful and acceptable?" I said, look at the people in your life, how do you see them? Weather or not the people in our lives are these things is irrelevant, it is whether or not we SEE them as such. We are all wonderful reflections of each other.

What do you see when you look in the mirror? What do you see in the physical mirror on the wall or in the mirror of those around you?

There was a time in my life that I could only see "yuck" in all others and especially in myself. Then later on, I could only see others as something or someone good and I could only see the "yuck" in me. I felt that through spirituality finally I could recognize the good in others... but that somehow I was the exception to the rule. Ha! I found out... there are no exceptions to this rule. We all have good in us, it is just a matter of what we choose to see.

Truly the more beauty we see in ourselves the more we can see in others and/or vice versa.

I now see beauty, greatness, love, joy, and so much more. I see this in my mirror and in the mirror that my family and friends reflect back at me. And I see this in people I am meeting for the fist time every where. I see all of this because I made a decision one day to open my eyes and SEE. I made a decision to look as I would think the Great Spirit would look. I wondered; "If I were my higher power, how would I choose to look?" Hmmm, this sparked a curiosity in me. This took me from place of a victim or other reactive role to the place of observer and active participant.

When I look at myself and others in my life... I choose to see the good.. the light... the love... the joy and so on. The question is; what do you choose to see or focus on in others? What do you choose to see or focus on in yourself?

Do you do EFT tapping, massage, counseling, Reiki, study, spiritual practice or some combination of healing arts to assist you on your healing journey so you can make and step into such decisions?

Sometimes this is a process, it was for me (and still is), but you must make the first step whatever that is for you.

When we choose to see the good in the world... this does not mean being blind to the darkness of the world... but what it does mean is we get to contribute to expanding the light in our lives, in the lives of others and in the world.

What you focus on expands. It's the law
What you resist persist. It's the law
There are no exceptions to universal laws.

What do you want more of?
How do you want to see yourself?
How do you want others to see you?
How do you want to see others?
How do you want to live your life?
What impact do you want to have on others and on the earth?
What impact do you want them to have on you?
What do you want more of in your life?
You get to choose.

Appreciation is the greatest tool for expanding what you want, distracting you from what you do not want, bringing more joy, raising self esteem and self worth.

Find something to appreciate in everyone, in every situation and in each hour of each day and watch your life shift!

Find a spot on your body (big or small) that has no pain and appreciate that it feels GOOD and watch that spot expand!

Find that penny in your pocket and appreciate that you have money in your life and watch your financial prosperity expand!

Find that love you experience in your life and appreciate it deeply and watch love expand in your life!

Give thanks for all of the quality relationships or moments of them in your life and watch quality relationships expand!

Find appreciation for all you have enjoyed and watch the wealth of experiences expand!

Life is sooooo gooood!

Recommended reading:
Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle, The New Earth

Louis Hay, You Can Heal Your Life (book and movie)

Catherine Ponder, Open Your Mind To Receive

Recommended Viewing:
What the Bleep Do We Know; Down The Rabbit Hole
The Peaceful Warrior
(These are also books).

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