Saturday, January 7, 2012

Are you who your friends are?

Food for thought...
Have you ever noticed close friends or couples that spend a lot of time with each other start to seem a lot alike? This study shows: If you want to be happier hang out with happier people. If you want to be healthier hang out with healthier people. ETC... While this shows the science of social networking it is also true that our energy fields effect each other. If you hang out with negative people that complain a lot, not only can you unknowingly start to have those same behaviors, their negative energy can be exhausting and draining in many ways. When you hang out with positive people their energy can be uplifting, healing and their behaviors can rub off on you as well. Whether behaviorally or energetically you may very likely be effected by who you spend the most of your time with. Chose wisely...
As well, how we feel, how we behave, how we think may have an impact on the people we spend time with.
Have you ever noticed that at a time when you need people the most they are often there the least? When we feel needy, desperate, lonely and so on we can actually send out energy that is very uncomfortable to others and can propel them away.
When we are confident, joyful, loving, and the like, we tend to attract more people that are either matching in such energy or those that are leaning that way. We become appealing to many because our energy is much like a scent. When it is pleasing people want more and come closer. When it is "yucky" people feel uncomfortable and tend to go away.
When we are in our "yuck" (feeling sad, depressed, rage-full, angry, bitter, resentful, etc) and attract people to us in that state they too are in the same place or find some sense of "normalcy" in that kind of energy.
As we mind our thoughts, feelings, and emotions and raise to a higher vibration we both contribute higher energy to our world, as well as attract to ourselves those in a higher vibration.   
I like that commercial with Jamie Lee Curtis where she is talking about Activia. She mentions her "normal" is healthy and comfortable. Of course she is referring to her digestive system but it is the same for all aspects of our life. "Normal" is what you are used to, what you are conditioned to and like what she says in the commercial, we get to change what is normal for us.
Be mindful of your energy, your thoughts and your feelings because you do effect others. Decide what contributions you would like to make to your loved ones lives and to the lives of others you come into contact with.
Be mindful of who you are associating with and spending most of your time with as that may enforce your goals or it may work against them.
In peace and joy,
Jody G.


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