Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Do your judgments of others cause poverty or other issues in your life? What are you doing to create your life?

Imagine you are in the middle of a giant spider web that is stretched out across the Grand Canyon. Each thread of that web that is holding you safely where you are represents a member of society. What you say, do, feel or even think will strengthen or weaken each person or group of people in that web. Would you want to strengthen them or weaken them?
We are a tangled web of consciousness; what we do, say, feel and think contributes to that web.
Let’s examine classism, money consciousness (prosperity or poverty mindset), and the law of attraction.
If we are standing in the grocery store and we see a family in front of us or a single person in front of us that looks perfectly healthy and is well dressed and they pay with government food stamps what goes through our minds? For some people it might be thoughts and feelings of anger, resentment, jealousy, judgment, entitlement, confusion and other things. As we do that we are weakening that person.
If we see a very wealthy person driving a car that cost more than 10 of our homes put together and they seem to be having a very happy day and we just found out that our home is in danger of being foreclosed on because of financial issues we are having, or we have an ill family member and insurance won’t pay for the treatments or whatever may be going on in our lives, what thoughts and feelings might we be having? The same as the person on food stamps I’m sure. Jealousy, resentment, anger, judgment, entitlement, confusion and so on. Same junk, different package and a different set of justifications would plague our minds and hearts. In that moment we are weakening that person and therefore endangering ourselves.
As we create such feelings and thoughts towards others we are weakening the very fabric of life we stand on. We are creating a ripple in the fabric that affects our lives. We won’t become wealthy because we view it so negatively and see it as a disease and we wouldn’t want to choose a disease. If and when we have financial issues, make mistakes that affect our finances we see ourselves in that same light as we see those that are in poverty.
As we see others as horrible, weak, careless, lazy, selfish, etc and as we have feelings of resentment, jealousy, and anger towards them we are seeing ourselves in the same way. The subconscious mind is much like the iceberg where what is under the water is where the majority of the iceberg is at, our life is controlled as much if not more so by our unconscious mind which is what lies just beneath the surface making the biggest impact.
Our subconscious mind is very literal, exact and absolute. If we decide that having money is horrible then our subconscious mind sends out these messages to avoid letting that happen to us. And if poverty is the same evil then we do the same causing us a form of self hatred and fear. Money in the bank is more than others so therefore we are bad, and is less than others therefore we are bad. So our finances do a yo yo affect until we heal that judgment and all of the feelings that come with it.
What if next time we see a person in the grocery store that is using food stamps and we chose to send them love and energy that they are loved exactly as they are exactly where they are. And when we see that person that is far wealthier than us we send them love too that they are loved exactly as they are and exactly where they are, how would that shift our lives?
When we decide to love people exactly as they are, we are allowing ourselves to love ourselves exactly as we are and vice versa. The subconscious mind will see that it is ok to be either way financially and we can then move about freely experiences a full range of movement without the limits created by such false belief systems.
Focusing on facts creates more facts. Focusing on the truth will change the facts.
The facts are some people have more money than others. But the truth is that we are all one in this abundant universe. We are all part of the same abundant source that created us and we all have equal access. The facts are what limit us when the facts are what we focus on. The facts are the fences but the truth is what dissolves those fences. So as you see that you are in an abundant universe and are not bound by false beliefs or facts and are freed by focusing on the truths you will experience prosperity exactly as you desire it to fit your dreams.
As Rev. Chris Michaels said “manage the facts and focus on the truth. Focusing on the truth will shift the facts”.  The facts are that we have bills to pay, things to do and places to go; the truth is, we are abundant and living in an abundant universe and there are no exceptions to this rule. As well live our lives in this way we let our subconscious mind see that a constant flow of abundance is natural and acceptable.
Our subconscious mind is the messenger to the universe. What goes on deep within us is what the universe is paying attention to. If our subconscious mind knows that we are one with abundance then it sends the signal to the universe saying “yup, she / he is ready to participate in abundance! Bring it on” and then the universe sends the supplies that have just been hanging out waiting for us.
Surrender is a big part of this. As you manage your facts but have faith that you are living in an abundant universe you will experience the shift and start living according to the truth. But if you stay focused on the facts the subconscious mind will see that that is the direction you want your life to go so it will signal the universe “hey! She’s/he’s focusing on lack so more lack please!” and the cycle continues.
But how do you shift?
Aha! The big question, “how” comes to mind. How may vary slightly person to person but there are some very universal laws in this as well.
Discovering what beliefs you hold at your core level and cleaning those out is key. We hold on to decisions and beliefs we have developed even as young as 3 or younger. Can you imagine going to a 4 year old and asking for financial advice? Or asking an 8 year old advice on how to build a house? We wouldn’t go to children for advice in how to have relationships, invest our money, raise our children and so on, not consciously but subconsciously we are doing it every day.
While a lot of advice children can give is definitely worth considering as they are closer to source than adults are we are still better off taking the total sum of things into consideration. Such as when you buy a home you have your attorney’s, realtors, and or financial advisors to answer questions we really want to make decisions that are weighed out carefully on many levels.  If a child advices that you would have a better marriage if you yelled less, well of course, but this knowledge of the child having wisdom is paired with your life’s experience to see that this is true.
So back to the question of how; some of the strongest techniques are EFT Tapping, meditation, success coaching, hypnosis, and even cognitive behavioral therapy can be helpful. Or a combination of these may be most impactful.
While some self defeating beliefs are right beneath the service others are hidden far below. EFT Tapping is very affective for uncovering those deep beliefs that consciously you would insist couldn’t exist within you and through tapping you will be able to uncover these beliefs, release and replace them.
The “how to” has been my biggest search and although I find it is truly and individual experience I strongly see that some tools such as tapping, meditation, coaching and a combinations of healing arts are extremely beneficial on a universal level. As well I recommend a diverse range of reading, some workshops and seminars to expand your knowledge and to solidify what you are learning.
Attending seminars and events puts you in direct contact with other likeminded people on the same or similar path as you and helps to strengthen your working knowledge and gain support needed in your shift.
Other factors I have discovered for success in these areas are a daily routine that consist of spiritual practice of some sort, study on that spiritual belief or beliefs, study in other areas, fitness and meditation. Daily acts of self love and personal development are key to effectiveness in life.
I will end this here but I will continue to explore more on the mindset and how it affects what we manifest in our lives.
Recommended reading:
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
More Heart Than Talent by Jeffery Combs
Success Principles by Jack Canfield
There are tons more but these are a start.
Thanks so much for reading. Have a blessed day.

Monday, December 27, 2010

What can EFT Tapping Help with?

What can EFT Tapping Help with?
Emotional & Mental Health Issues / Decrease issues & Increase Holistic Health
·       Depression
·       Anxiety/panic
·       Addiction
·       ADD / ADHD
·       Phobias / Fears
·       OCD
·       Eating Disorders
·       Greif
·       Self Image
·       Stress
·       Emotional Response / Reactions
·       Gender Identity / Acceptance
·       Sexual Orientation / Acceptance
·       Self Love / Self Worth / Self Value
·       Self Esteem / Self Confidence
·       Anger / Self Control
·       PTSD / Trauma
·       ETC…
Physical issues / Decrease issues & Increase Holistic Health
·       Weight loss
·       Pain management
·       Asthma
·       Allergies
·       Sports Performance
·       Head Aches
·       Carpal Tunnel
·       Disease
·       Blood Pressure
·       Blood Sugar
·       Increase Flexibility
·       Increase Mobility
·       Increase Quality of Life
·       ETC…
Increase Quality Healthy Relationships
·       Parenting
·       Partnership / spouse
·       Partnership / business
·       Partnership / Career
·       Parents
·       Friends
·       Siblings
·       Finding / Attracting Your Soul Mate
·       ETC…
Increase Holistic Prosperity
·       Financial Wealth / Money
·       Opportunities
·       More Contracts
·       More Customers / Clients
·       Better Relationships with Customers/Clients/Co-workers/Partners, etc…
·       Flow of Wealth
·       Continuation / Retention
·       Expansion
·       ETC…
More abundance of (quality life / holistic prosperity)
·       Joy
·       Sexual Pleasure
·       Friendships
·       Strong Relationships
·       Love
·       Quality Communication
·       Peace
·       Wisdom
·       Wealth
·       Health
·       Inner Connectedness
·       Success / effectiveness
·       Desired outcomes
·       Rich Experiences
·       Stronger Communities
·       Awareness
·       Clarity
·       Sense of purpose
·       Sense of belonging
·       Ability to tune in / tap into source
·       Sense of being Grounded / Centered / Tuned in
·       Intuition
·       Psychic abilities
·       ETC…
Feel / Be
·       Safer
·       Calmer
·       More Relaxed
·       Loved / Loving / Lovable
·       Respected / Respectful / Respectable
·       Accountable
·       Reliable
·       Trusted / Trusting / Trust Worthy
·       Acceptable / Accepted
·       Grounded
·       Centered
·       More Aware
·       Whole / Complete
·       ETC…
Shift! Shift your mindset, your beliefs, your decisions, your agreements and shift your life! From:
·       Poverty to prosperity
·       Illness to Health
·       Victim to Victorious
·       Survivor to Enjoying Life
·       Lack to Abundance
·       Pain to Liberation
·       Fear to Liberation
·       Limits to Freedom
·       Anger to Joy
·       Sadness to Joy
·       Fogginess to Clarity

And so on…

How can I learn to do EFT Tapping?
It’s easy!
You can learn on line, by reading or watching videos or by a professional practitioner.
Professional EFT Tapping Practitioners vary how they teach: Group or class settings and / or in individual sessions.
How will I know if I am doing it right?
The best way is to learn with a professional practitioner that can walk you through step by step until you feel comfortable on your own. You can learn in a class or individual setting.
About how many classes or sessions will it take?
That really depends on you and if the practitioner teaches to your style.
About 1 to 3 sessions would give you a good base to learn the technique, practice and to ask questions.
What would you recommend to your EFT Clients for the most benefit?
***1 class plus 1 session (if needed) plus group
1 to 5 individual sessions plus group
You can do EFT Tapping sessions for life but truly this is a skill you learn to do on your own. You have what it takes to heal yourself and the practitioner is here to help you to learn the technique and to give you some quality guidance. In groups you can access your practitioner and others for more guidance along the way.
I recommend 2 to 5 sessions depending on the amount of education, knowledge and experience you bring to the table. If alternative natural healing techniques are very new and you have just begun the learning process I recommend 3 to 5 sessions. If you are further along in your journey I recommend 1 or 2 sessions.
The first sessions covers the “How To” of the technique. It also covers some of the questions you may have about how EFT Tapping works, what it does and why or how it is so important.  
The second session covers practicing (doing) the technique and time for questions and answers.
The third, fourth and fifth are much the same as second session.
Each session impacts your healing journey greatly. You will not only be learning how to tap but you will be experiencing healing or a shift of some sort during your sessions.
By attending 3 or more sessions you get a solid skill level, you start to develop a natural habit of the practice and you learn how to apply it in all aspects of your life: when, where, what, how and why of the practice. Plus, you receive great benefit of healing and / or of a great shift in mindset during it all.
What are classes like?
In EFT Tapping classes we cover the basics: Introduction to EFT Tapping, some Q & A, learning the techniques, going through a full session with one to three people in front of the class, and time for questions.  
What are the differences between classes and sessions? Is one better than the other?
It really depends on you, your learning style and your comfort level when starting out that will determine what is best for you.
Classes: in a group setting you get to observe, participate and hear things that come up from others that you would not have thought of for yourself. You get to be part of a collective healing process that can be quite powerful.
Classes bring out energy and awareness that doesn’t often happen on an individual level. When many people are coming to awareness’s and healing at once it can have a great impact that you don’t get on your own or with just one other person.
Individual sessions: Here you may feel safer to talk about issues you don’t feel comfortable talking about in front of others.
While the classes are confidential and are ran in a way that all people feel safe, respected and honored, many of us have a private side and feel better at times in a one on one setting.
Individual sessions provide one on one guidance and personalized training specific to you.
Are there other options that can help me learn or strengthen my practice?
There are groups you can join for EFT Tapping. If there are no groups in your area, once you are trained, you can start one yourself.
Some groups are general: in these kinds of groups you get a mix of issues that people are tapping on such as you may experience in a general or introductory EFT Tapping class.
Other groups are more specific. While all groups benefit you, you may find it more enjoyable or powerful to join specific focus EFT Tapping groups.
Can I attend EFT Tapping Groups instead of learning privately with a practitioner?
You can just jump into some groups and learn as you go. The problem with that is that often times they don’t leave much room for questions and answers. This may leave you feeling that you don't understand what you are doing.
The questions and answers may be time consuming and those that come to the groups that are already knowledgeable may want to just do the EFT Tapping and move on.
However, even if you don’t understand, you will still benefit greatly.
Can you just join in on a group?
Not all groups are open and some require prerequisites.
Contact groups directly to find out what their specific requirements are.
Are groups free?
Some groups are free. Some are on a fee basis per group visit, others are on a membership basis and others are on another fee system.
Some groups offer scholarships as well.
Please check with each individual group for their fee information.
What happens in EFT Groups?
Each group is run differently nationwide.
The EFT Tapping groups Mystic Lotus Healing Arts runs work like this:
There is a prerequisite for attending groups.
Each person needs to have at least one or two sessions or have attended an EFT Tapping class with Mystic Lotus Healing Arts before attending the groups.
Once a person is finished with a class and or individual sessions for EFT Tapping they become members of Mystic Lotus Healing Arts for one year. This gives them discounts to classes, various individual sessions and other events. This also gives them access to groups with a small $5 fee per groups. Limited scholarships are available.
Once in the group we have a 15 minute time frame where people are getting comfortable and we decide the person or people that will be tapped on.
We spend about 20 to 40 minutes on the person or people being tapped on.
The person or people tapped on: A person is selected and sits with me in front of the group. We tap on their specific issues, identify their specific truths and underlying beliefs, tap on those issues to release them and then tap in affirmations.
We finish, leaving about 10 to 15 minutes for Q & A and debriefing (where we talk about our experiences).
The groups are relaxed and fun. While there are serious times during group, humor often flows throughout sessions, classes and groups. Healing and processing does not have to be heavy and scary, we get to have some fun and enjoy the process.
The classes, sessions and groups that are through Mystic Lotus Healing Arts are confidential and safe.
We offer you experiences in settings that you can thrive in. We value you and honor your path.
I look forward to hearing from you.
What are your questions?
Have a very joyous and prosperous week.