Friday, June 3, 2011

Possible side effects you may experience from doing EFT tapping:

EFT Tapping:
Mystic Lotus Healing Arts
Jody Gonzalez
503 269-1199

This is a small general sampling of how EFT tapping may affect you

Higher self esteem, self confidence and self love
Better health, improvement of relationships, lower pain and less struggle with addictions
You are more grounded, centered, focused, aware, energized and youthful
Discover what you really want in life
Discover what you no longer want and release what no longer serves you
Weight/body image:
Weight release or weight gain depending on body needs.
Acceptance of self * Discover your overall beauty and or sexiness
Improvement of health; including skin, hair, body type, energy level, vibrancy and sexual abilities and or desires
Release mental pain behind the negative body image (guilt, shame, etc)

Mystic Lotus Healing Arts * Jody Gonzalez * * 503 269-1199
Addictions/all addictions:
More clarity on the underlying cause or triggers * More calmness and ability to handle triggers
Lower suffering or struggle with addictions (triggers, desires/cravings, etc)
Release mental pain behind the addictive behaviors (guilt, shame, etc)
Pain/health issues:
Lower or eliminate pain * Learn how to manage pain so it doesn’t manage you
Slow down or illuminate illness or growth of illnesses (such as with tumors).
Manage pain enough to stop using narcotics or other medications
Discover the metaphysical/underlying cause of pain and eliminate that cause (mental programming)
Release mental pain behind the physical pain (guilt, shame, etc)
Holistic Prosperity Mindset:
Shift in your mindset to think and behave prosperous
Affect the law of attraction and the law of circulation in a prosperous way
Shift your mindset to attract into your life what it is you desire
Discover your purpose * Discover what it is you really want in your life
Release the things that you do not want in your life
Possible negative side effects from EFT Tapping
When you first start out tapping there is a tiny percentage of people that will notice:
A drop in energy * More pain, depression, or symptoms.
This is temporary! Keep tapping. It may be you need to tap lighter. But keep tapping because it is simply the system working through some rough stuff. This well be discussed in class.

Mystic Lotus Healing Arts * Jody Gonzalez * * 503 269-1199
How can I benefit from EFT tapping in groups or with a coach?
In groups you will hear things that are far different than what you know to be your own truth or what you are currently aware of. We each have different levels of awareness, different experiences that bring us to our current place and by tapping together we benefit each other by assisting in uncovering what we were unaware of and releasing it.
Also, as another person heals something you will receive healing energy just by being present while others are healing. As we reach epiphanies and other forms of healing we send out vibrations that create an opening for others to receive the same. We are all inner connected and what benefits one, benefits us all.
With a coach you will be able to do individualized sessions and learn what to tap on more specifically for you. You can receive support and guidance.  
With a coach you have more opportunities to ask questions, ask for clarification and you have more privacy to cry, scream, laugh and release in your own way. Coaches motivate and inspire you to follow through on your treatment and success goals.
A coach is not a therapist and works much like a coach of a sports team or an athlete. If things get overwhelming to you and you are dealing with issues outside of the scope of practice of a coach it would be recommended you follow up with a licensed mental health therapist.
Please do not stop medications or the care of your doctor or therapist just because you are feeling better. Maintain an open relationship with your mental health and physical health care providers. How you work on your healing is your choice, do so wisely.
While EFT can bring about great healing and positive changes quickly it can also cause a “shock to the system” so to speak. It is advisable that you work with a coach and that you maintain the care of other health practitioners as needed.
It is ok to expect results as you will experience them.
A coach can also assist in writing affirmations and a treatment plan that is right for you. Check with your Success or Life Coach to get an appointment scheduled.
Happy tapping!

Mystic Lotus Healing Arts * Jody Gonzalez * * 503 269-1199

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