Friday, October 8, 2010

Why I appreciate Pre Paid Legal
Of course I have a lot of stories of how I saved a lot of time, money and heart ache by using Pre Paid Legal Serves (PPL), most people do, that’s a big part of what makes it so great. Smile! But what I most want to share with you is why I am choosing to introduce people to Pre Paid Legal Services, and why I want to help others become Pre Paid Legal Associates.
Why does this service mean so much to me?
When I was 39 my life was in the midst of a big shift. I was with a partner that was not so honest with me and was not very good to me and my children. We had Pre Paid Legal Services at the time but as she was handling the bills she told me we could no longer pay for our Pre Paid Legal Services and she informed me it was cancelled.
I decided that I wanted to break up with her and was really concerned with this decision that not having Pre Paid Legal Services would be an issue. I had used PPL in the past and it helped save me an amazing amount during a divorce. So I was considering this break up and decided that regardless of what legal help I had or not it was over. The day that I was going to tell her I had a near fatal auto accident. When I saw the truck coming at me I knew that I was leaving my family unprotected. I knew that I didn’t do the will that I could have done with PPL and I knew I had not made any legal arrangements that I could have done with PPL. I was leaving my children in a horrible situation. I screamed out “I’m sorry”. It’s not that I thought they could hear me but it was the last message I tried to send to them.
I was sent to Portland Oregon in a life flight helicopter and then spent several months in the hospital, most of which was in ICU. My partner of the time continued to be cruel to my children. As soon as I could, 7 months after this accident I left her. According to the doctors they said I had some of the worse injuries of a surviving person to date. My life was a miracle and I had a long way to go for my healing. To add on to all of that, I was too injured to do much for myself and without PPL or any legal assistance the woman I was with was able to take us for a lot.
I found out later that she had attorneys. She actually got Pre Paid Legal in her name while I was in the hospital. She was protected and I had no one or nothing and she won everything I had from before I met her.
So why would I want PPL for me or for others after that? It is exactly because of that. After seeing someone that was so undeserving win so much for so little, I wanted to help others that are very deserving, win so much for so little. It all makes sense to me. I want to see people protected!
Legal Aid services or the DA’s office couldn’t do anything for me. Without big money or in this case, without Pre Paid Legal Services I was at a loss, a victim to a system that is set up to give to those that have representation. I never want to see anyone unprotected. I want to help people have the coverage they need, their wills written up and all the protection possible at a very affordable price!
After being an associate and seeing how I can earn really good money working part time even with my disabilities I want this opportunity for everyone. Besides, the more associates out there, the more people are protected and this makes me feel like I am contributing to the safety and well being of families.
Now for a couple of other stories or bits of stories I have to share with you.
1.         The very first time I had PPL I had it only 6 days when I was being evicted from my home. My landlord made it clear that “because I had too many non-whites in my home” he didn’t want me in his neighborhood. He gave me a 72 hour notice and expected me to move. I was very angry and very upset. I had 3 children, I was a single mom and I had just enough money for my basic bills so I had no money to move. My friend said “hey, why do you use that Pre Paid Legal Service thing you just got”. I smiled and dialed right away. Within a couple of hours I had an attorney on the phone and they told me what to write in a letter. Not only did I not have to move right away, but the landlord had to give me free rent and pay for me to move! All together I save or earned (depending on how you look at it) about $1300! It could have been more but when my landlord researched what I had written, and the law firm that was representing me; he quickly became compliant and stayed out of our way. He also became very friendly and helpful whereas before he was quite the opposite. That paid for my PPL membership for years! So, as I saw it, I was protected, I was aware of my rights, I had power, and I earned money from having Pre Paid Legal, and as far as I could see, my service paid for itself.
I have other stories like this but this is one of my favorite because it was only 6 days after having the service that I received such great benefit from it. I used prepaid legal in my divorce that was drawn out for 3 years. It only cost me about $26 a month but my ex was paying full attorney fees to fight me. In the end, I won everything I asked for in the first place including full custody of my 3 children.
There were many other times I called PPL and didn’t follow their legal advice because I was stubborn, lazy or I simply forgot and I lost a lot of money. I learned quickly to call PPL and get advice on everything! Plus I learned to keep a file and document what I was told so that I would have something to access incase I forgot. Of course I have called them back to ask them what it was I was told and they happily refreshed my memory.
I have learned over the last 7 years that my life goes far smoother with Pre Paid Legal Services and with actually following their advice then without it.
The price of PPL is so small in compared to the value. If you can save literally $1000’s each year simple by asking questions that you would never have asked about before it is worth it! Not to mention all the money, time and heart ache you will save when big things come up and trust me, they do come up and there is no way around it.

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