Monday, October 4, 2010


Today I wondered why I have not been on here in a while and I realized it was the perfectionist hat I have been wearing. You know the one that makes your mind go in the opposite direction of your goals and dreams. The one that says, "If I can't do it all, or if I can't do it very well then I might as well not do it". Hmmmm.

Perfection, procrastination, distractions, avoidance, limits, excuses, etc... Don't these all come from the same place? Fundamental darkness doesn't always have to come out in big ways to be present. The simple things we do or don't do can and do have an impact in our lives regardless if it comes from fundamental darkness or our innate light.

I tried to convince myself that I would have to write a certain way. Write about certain things and the truth is I don't. The truth is I am free to do what I wish. I am liberated! We are as bound as we feel/believe we are or as liberated.

I asked today: What is your vision? What legacy do you wish to leave here on earth and in the lives of the ones you love? What actions do you take daily to be the change you wish to see in the world? And that brought me here.

I wish to be an active participant in this world. To be a part of the changes I wish to see. I desire to leave a place where people feel changed somehow for the better.

My vision is to inspire, to challenge, to awaken that beauty that lies within each person I meet.
I hope to make you laugh, make you think and inspire you to accept your greatness.

The only way I can live my vision and leave my legacy is by showing up and by participation. The same goes for you. Don't die with your music still in you because somehow you don't have time or energy to do it "right" or "great" or completely... put out as much effort as you can and give it your best. And your best is good enough. The more you love and accept yourself exactly as you are, the more you leave room for yourself to improve and to grow. So... get out there and start to do what you love and have fun!

In love and light.
Have a very glorious night.

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