Wednesday, November 17, 2010

EFT Tapping and healing life's stuff

I learned from Dr. Garland Landrith that it is most affective if we regularly tap out the yuck and tap in the affirmations. And it's important to tap in groups about once a month or more because he has noticed that people heal faster when they've done group tapping.

During his training he did tapping on several people over the weekend and for many issues. I had been having shoulder pain so sever I couldn't hardly lift my arm or do much with it. I would wake often from the pain. After the tapping I didn't think about my shoulder because I was focused on learning and excited about the higher energy I had and this new skill I just learned.

About a week and a half after the training, I realized that about 85% of my pain in my shoulder had been gone the entire time. I realized I had been sleeping better, craving and enjoying healthier foods, feeling more confident and more energetic and a lot of other benefits.

The shoulder pain being almost gone was a big surprise and a big benefit!

These benefits were created by tapping in a group on other people's pain and issues and yet even though the focus was on them, I received tremendous benefits!!!

I tapped once a day for another week and a half and then stopped.

My pain did not return, however energy did go down some and I certainly was not progressing in my healing in the same way as I had been with the tapping. I also stopped chanting (Nam myoho renge kyo), doing self Reiki and meditation.

I was inconsistent with the chanting and the meditation for years so the benefits from EFT I could clearly see were new and from that source. Of course I chanted to receive new healing techniques that would benefit myself and my clients and I'm sure that's how I was led to the EFT training.

I realized that my pattern in life was to be inconsistent. I realized that the pattern probably started as a child because we had moved almost every year of my youth and about 4 of those years we moved about 9 times a year. But even with this awareness I've had for a few years I still wasn't able to shift it.

Today I tapped on this issue. I tapped on having the problem of not consistently following through with things that have great impact in my life such as EFT tapping, chanting, meditation, Reiki, eating healthy and exercise.

While I was tapping, things came to the surface that I never would have thought of otherwise. I felt a release and a healing come that was incredible! I was able to identify a lot if beliefs I didn't know where there, and some that I had intellectualized away, so I thought but in discovering them, I had emotions attached that made me realize they still affected me. I tapped out quite a bit a feel very successful. I also tapped in affirmations to replace the old beliefs.

I share this with you for a couple of reasons: The first one is to let you know so that you can follow to see how this works for me. Next is to let you know that as you tap out problems, limits, or anything that feels negative (for lack of a better word) you will see that you are holding on to beliefs and feelings that you had stuffed so far down they were/are like little secret spies... you can't see them, but they're sending out coded messages that are affecting your life.

Tapping out the negative is so important. Imagine you have a glass full of water, and then you try to pour another full glass of water into it, there wont be any room for the new water. Releasing the old stuff leaves room for the new stuff.

Happy healing my friends.
Peace and joy

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