Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A new day

Today is a new day.
What happened yesterday is gone and over
What mistake we have made we are not making today
What pain we felt we are not feeling today
What angered us yesterday is not happening today

We get to start over at any point in our lives.
Our lives begin right here, right now and we do not have to own or be controlled by the issues, conditioning, or beliefs of the past.
Sure there may be some residual stuff we need to take care of but how we react to it, how we perceive it, how we are affected by it and how we act from this moment on is what we get to change.

So because I decided to change from this moment on:

v The money I gambled away yesterday will reappear?
v No. But you can decide not to gamble today and take actions such as calling a support group or sponsor to assist you in your decision
v So the bills I ran up last week on my credit cards will go away?
v No. But you can make the decision to stop creating bills and start creating prosperity. You can start from this moment to change the patterns of behaviors you have had that created debt I your life.
v I screamed at someone I loved yesterday and hurt them very badly, so if I decide to shift today will that mean what happened is not big deal or that they should just get over it?
v Yes and no: Hurting others is a big deal as is the decision not to hurt others. It can be hard to heal scars especially those that are not our own. The other person may feel scared by the actions you made so by changing how you behave and by validating their feelings and taking responsibility for your actions helps them with their healing journey. They may not forgive you or let it go and that is their choice. But you can allow yourself to move beyond your mistakes, heal from your mistakes, forgive yourself and move on. Depending on how bad it was, you may have to face consequences for your actions such as divorce or being fired or losing a client, however, by making a decision to behave differently and taking actions (such as therapy, meditation, etc) you will avoid further pain to others and to yourself.
v So I became disabled from an accident. By shifting am I just healed?
v Yes and no. You probably won’t grow limbs back and may not completely heal a particular part of yourself however healing can and will happen in many forms: You can heal your emotional and mental pain. You can step into a path of healing that lowers or illuminates physical pain. You can heal far more than you realize by deciding to shift how you live from this moment forward.

I recommend the movie with Dr. Wayne Dyer called The Shift
I also recommend learning some Buddhist philosophies on starting fresh.

Watch the movie "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay

Keep asking the questions and keep seeking for the answers. As you decide to change your world will change… it’s up to you if it’s for the better or for the worse.

And keep watching movies and reading books and listening to people talk about ways you can shift to make your life and the lives of others better.
What kind of mark are you leaving here?
Are you leaving this place better than how you found it?
What are your daily contributions?
How you react to things in life does make a difference and it does have an impact on others and on the planet
Are you proactive?
What actions steps will you take to improve your life?
Did you know that YOU, one person can and do make a difference? The real question is: what kind of impact do you want to have?
I wish you all peace, love, joy, prosperity and beauty and abundant energy… It’s all yours, enjoy….

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