Monday, November 22, 2010

There is much to be learned from suffering, yet suffering is not needed for learning, gratitude ends suffering and takes us into abundance and more

We learn so very much from suffering. Sometimes people only learn through suffering. Suffering is not the only way to learn. Suffering is key to some learning sometimes but not all learning all of the time
Wisdom says; to learn without suffering, learn from the suffering of others. Learn from the mistakes of others. If and when we can do that we are so often better off.
When you are suffering and want it to end, look at what the light side of the darkness reveals.
There is light and shadow, up and down, back and front.... what can you learn from the suffering?
The most important keys to embracing the lesson is seeking it, surrendering to it and accepting it and allowing it.....
The most important keys to moving on from the suffering is stepping into gratitude, love, acceptance, forgiveness and surrender. 
But gratitude is the most powerful of all and once you step into gratitude.... the rest comes with ease.
Life and lessons are far easier than you realize. It's a myth that learning, growing and or prosperity has to be hard work.  

In the dark I seek to see (clarity)
Imprisoned I seek freedom (growth, movement, limitlessness)
In ignorance I seek knowledge (education, wisdom, knowing)
In pain I see liberation (great health, stable mind, understanding)
In chaos I seek peace (calmness, peace, serenity)
In poverty I seek prosperity
In lack I seek to be grateful

In light I seek to guide others
In freedom I seek to free others
In knowledge I seek to teach others
In liberation I seek to heal others so they may be liberated
In peace I seek to guide others to peace
In prosperity I seek to share so others can live prosperous
In appreciation I seek to enlighten so others can be grateful
In gratitude I experience an increase in abundance in every area of my life
In abundance I have so much more to contribute

The more I heal the more I can do for myself and others
The more I experience abundance the more I have to give
The more positive energy I have the more positive energy I have to contribute to the world
The more compassion I have for myself the more compassion I have for others
The more I accept myself the more I accept others
The more I am liberated the more I can celebrate the liberation of others
The more I am living up to my full potential the more I can celebrate the greatness of others
The more I am educated the more I have to teach
The more I learn how to heal myself the more I can guide others through their own healing
When we take care of ourselves, allow ourselves to evolve and accept ourselves, we are contributing more and are capable of contributing more to this world and to this planet.
Doing for ourselves is the most selfless action we can make
Doing only for others is a selfish act and creates negative cause. How? You might ask. When we give from lack we give with hidden strings attached and we do so to continue that cycle of addiction to suffering or to control we might have. When we give and give we can cause others to become dependent on us and they can become resentful.
When we heal our core selves, when we allow ourselves to be great we have far more to offer and what we have to offer comes from pure heart and soul. When we give we give freely and abundantly and what we give comes from an abundant source.
Guilt and fear are self serving.
Love, acceptance, forgiveness and prosperity are abundant and serves us all.
May you heal and grow and love abundantly.

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