Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Expressing gratitude is so key in shifting your life

I will probably talk on gratitude a million times.

Imagine that the things we feel and experience that we don't like and we'd like less of (often labeled as negative) is water. And the things we love, enjoy, and make us feel good (often labeled as positive) is sand.

You have a glass full of water (all kinds of yuck: beliefs, feelings, complaints, etc)
You also have a glass full of sand (all kinds of great memories, current things you appreciation and things you want to see in your future)

The "positive" is sand because it is of more significance than the "negative" which is water and weighs less or is easily moved by something more dense.

If you spend your day complaining and focused on the yuck then that is all your life will be about.

But if you spend your time looking for things to appreciate then that is what you will get more of and that is what your life will be about.

There were times in my life if I wrote a list there would be at least hundreds of things I could complain about and only a dozen I could find to appreciate.

Yet when I put my focus on those things I appreciated it was like being in a dark room where I couldn't see anything and the lights came on. Suddenly I could see more things to appreciate.

When you are in your deepest darkest space the things to appreciate seem rare.
Someone might say, "well at least your breathing. You can appreciate the air". and your darkness will respond with stuff like "well the air is full of contaminants so who cares, it'll probably kill me later anyway" or "That damn air is what's keeping me in this miserable world so I'd rather it just go away so I can just die".
I'm sure many of you have had moments in your life that just felt awful. That inner voice aka fundamental darkness aka FD is part of our shadow side and we all have it.

When FD is messing with you and trying to dominate you can push it away and step towards your light side much easier and faster with appreciation.

So the air is not one you appreciate... but while you are breathing.... appreciate you have roof over your head this moment, clothes on your back this moment, the ability to read or be read to, the ability to feel, the feelings may not feel good buy at least you are alive. Appreciate that you have water to drink, food to eat, a cell phone, a home phone, a car, a buss pass..... that you like the color of the carpet or the sound of the storm outside....

It is the things you can appreciate no matter how small or silly it seems focus on it!!! Appreciate it!

Stepping into appreciation, ignoring FD and just being in the feeling of appreciation makes FD fade out at least enough so that you feel enough freedom to see more to appreciate and on and on....

As long as you keep appreciating, the more the "lights come on" to show you there is more to appreciate and then the more the universe will give you to appreciate!

It is truly incredible.

Now see those two glasses. Poor the sand into the glass of water and you will see more of the water will leave the glass leaving mostly sand. And although a lot of the sand will be wet, their is still far more sand then water and as time goes on, that water will dry up and the sand will remain.....

                                                             Appreciation will remain....

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