Tuesday, November 2, 2010

EFT Tapping

I'm so excited that I can now do EFT Tapping to help others with deeper healing than before.

I have been a Reiki practitioner for a few years now with great success. Adding the EFT Tapping to the healing techniques I use with people is going to be amazing!

I studied with Dr. Garland Landrith, Ph. D. on Quantum Tapping and EFT tapping techniques. He is an amazing speaker, educator and he gives great hugs too. :-)

He talked about the 10 second hug. Dr. Landrith mentioned that by hugging 10 seconds you create a release in the brain that allows you to feel more present. I am excited to learn more about this. I honestly don't remember everything he said on it but I can tell you my personal experience.

After spending most of my life as a victim of violence I was afraid to connect with others. In my early 30's I met a woman who is still a dear friend. One day after work we hugged as usual and this time she held me there longer than I was used to. My dear friend this beautiful gentle soul told me she wouldn't let me go until I let go and relaxed. Now I knew she was safe and meant well so I decided to try. It only took about 10 or 15 seconds and suddenly I felt a release that was unbelievable.

This hug created a shift in me. After that I have been hugging my friend for long periods of time each time we see each other for over a decade.

Because of this hug I started to feel safe and I started to feel as if my healing was accelerated. And this was the "permission" I needed to seek healing techniques and resources and go into the healing field as my primary source of study and business.

Once you receive a good dose of healing, even if you think you're fine, (lol) life just gets better.

I wish you all a very blessed day and I remind you that when you can.... hug for at least 10 seconds with those that are safe and that feel the same about you, especially with those you'd like to strengthen the bond with and watch life shift for the better. :)


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