Monday, November 15, 2010

EFT Tapping update

Hi friends,

I haven't done the EFT Tapping for a few days. Things have been busy and I have not followed through. As they say, old habits are hard to break but truth is, sometimes, new habits are hard to create. :)

So, I'm going to be tapping on a few things this week. One thing is I'm going to tap out some old habits that limit me. I'm going to tap in some new habits that are beneficial such as EFT Tapping on a regular basis... SMART huh. :)

I've been working a bit more on the Professional Development business  I have and have found myself off balance. So, I am also going to be tapping out the poor habit of not maintaining balance and tapping in maintaining good balance.

I love this EFT Tapping because not only is it very affective but also because it is so simple.

Remember my dear friends that if you are doing EFT Tapping be prepared that it can bring up some old stuff, internal yuck that you forgot you had, so be prepared to seek a therapist if the need should arise.

EFT Tapping is incredibly affective and most likely you can just tap out the yuck that comes out, in fact that is what this is all about (out with the yuck and in with the good) and tap in the mindset that you want to replace it with. Just be prepared and be easy on yourself.

If you have sever mental health diagnosis or a very a traumatic past, please seek the advice or guidance of a psychologist or mental health provider first.

I will be teaching the classes here in Oregon very soon! I have seen great results in my life and in the lives of others and as I get more practice I can speak more from personal experience. I'm excited to bring this amazing healing and life changing techniqe to many others!

I will post the announcement on here when it is scheduled.

Happy healing....

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